Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wired and Wireless Networks

Wired and Wireless, What’s the Difference? The main difference between a wired and wireless data communication infrastructure is the existence of physical cabling. The same or similar techniques are employed for both types of data communication infrastructure in terms of the core elements of essential network services. The basic difference between a wired and a wireless network is self-explanatory. A wired network uses wires to communicate whereas a wireless network uses radio waves. Another difference and how one technology gets an edge over the other. Wired networks are easy to set up and troubleshoot where wireless networks are comparatively difficult to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot. Wired networks make you immobile while wireless ones provide you with convenience of movement. A third difference, wired networks prove expensive when covering a large area because of the wiring and cabling while wireless networks do not involve this cost. Wired networks have better transmission speeds than wireless ones. In a wired network, user does not have to share space with other users and thus gets dedicated speeds while in wireless networks, the same connection may be shared by multiple users. One of the most common questions we have to answer on a daily basis is the difference between wired and wireless networks. Wired is the communication between two devices via cables. Wireless is the communication between two devices without cables. Now, is it that simple? Each method of networking has its own pros and cons. Wireless networks do not use any form of cable. The transmission of data occurs over radio waves just like cordless phones or the Bluetooth headset that came with that phone you purchased . There are many advantages, but the major advantage of having a wireless device is the mobility and freedom that comes with it. There is less clutter and fewer wires to worry about. But, you sacrifice in most cases on speed and security. Wired networks on the other hand have been around for some time now. Officially known today as the Ethernet, the cables usually connect these devices using CAT5 cables. The speed and security in this scenario are greatly enhanced. The latest Ethernet routers can support up to 1000Mb/s or a Gigabit/second, that’s ten times faster than the widely used 100 Mb/s router. However the overall cost of a wired network is lower and provides high performance and better security than wireless networks. As home users, wireless networks have become the choice. A wireless network saves your time and efforts in installing a lot of cables. Also, if you need to relocate a client machine in your office, you only need to move the computer with wireless network. Wireless networking is very useful in the public places, libraries, hotels, schools, airports, train stations. A drawback in the wireless internet is that quality of service, it is not guaranteed if there is any interference. Then the connection may be dropped. Wireless local area networks allow users in local area, such as in a university or a library to join a network and gain wireless access to the internet. A temporary network can be formed by a small number of users without the need of access points. Service Set Identifier acts a simple password by allowing WLAN network to be split up into different networks and each having a unique identifier. These identifiers are configured in multiple access points. To access any of the networks, a computer is configured in such a way that each is having a corresponding identifier for that network. If they match between the two computers or networks then access is granted. This is a good security method but it is mainly involved in the small wireless networks because there is more manual work is involved, entering the MAC address into the Access point. Wireless networking is very popular in home networking and more than 20 percent of homes with broadband internet are using wireless networks and this number is increasing. In a general estimate worldwide hotspots have now reached more than 30,000 and will grow about 210,000 in the next few years. Most large hotels already offer Wi-Fi and the business travelers are willing to pay for the wireless access. 802. 11 is the next Wi-Fi speed standard. It is set to offer bandwidth around 108Mbps and is still under development. With the speed of 70 Mbps and a range up to 30 miles, the 802. 1 standard, known as Wimax is sure to give a boost to wireless networking. The term wireless networking refers to technology that enables two or more computers to communicate using standard network protocols, but without network cabling. Any technology that does this could be called wireless networking. This technology, fueled by the emergence of cross-vendor industry standards such as IEEE 802. 11, has pro duced a number of affordable wireless solutions that are growing in popularity with business and schools as well as sophisticated applications where network wiring is impossible, such as in warehousing or point-of-sale handheld equipment. An ad-hoc, or peer-to-peer wireless network consists of a number of computers each equipped with a wireless networking interface card. Each computer can communicate directly with all of the other wireless enabled computers. They can share files and printers this way, but may not be able to access wired LAN resources, unless one of the computers acts as a bridge to the wired LAN using special software. Each computer with a wireless interface can communicate directly with all of the others. A wireless network can also use an access point, or base station. In this type of network the access point acts like a hub, providing connectivity for the wireless computers. It can connect (or â€Å"bridge†) the wireless LAN to a wired LAN, allowing wireless computer access to LAN resources, such as file servers or existing Internet Connectivity. That’s the different between wired and wireless network. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. http://computer. howstuffworks. com/home-network2. htm 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Wireless_network 3. http://www. broadbandbuddy. com. au/wireless-broadband/wireless-networks-vs-wired-networks

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Black Power Movement Usa

Cultural Diversity Black Power From the start of our country African Americans had been beneath white society. The civil rights movement of the south put an end to segregation and gave African Americans the same rights as an Anglo American legally. Racism and black segregation were still very much alive though, and if African Americans were ever to be treated as equals they would need to liberate from white society and truly empower themselves. This was the Black Power Movement. The movement for Black Power started during the civil rights movement in the 1960s.The movement was made up of several different organizations and spoke persons with a variety of ideas and views differing from that of Martian Luther King and the civil rights movement. They felt that the civil rights movement to end segregation was not enough and many black power advocates rejected the civil rights movements’ ultimate goal of assimilation. They believed that white racism and institutional discrimination would always be a part of American culture and society, and did not want to be integrated into the very system that for centuries oppressed, denigrated, and devalued blacks.The Black Power movement was built around ideas of racial pride and Black Nationalism with groups working to increase African American control over schools, law enforcement, welfare programs, and other public services in black communities. They felt that to be equal they must liberate and truly empower themselves on there own terms in order to gain power and stand up to the dominant group. Advocates of Black Power were open to the use of violence in order to achieve there goals, which was in direct contrast to the non-violent approach demonstrated by Martin Luther King jr. ,leader of the civil rights movement.The first popular use of the term Black Power as a social and political slogan came from Stokely Carmichael, an organizer and spokesperson for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) a group as sociated with the civil rights movement. The SNCC was made up mainly of younger members who over time became more violent and outspoken in the belief of Black Nationalism. During the civil rights’ March against Fear there was a division between those aligned with Martian Luther King jr. and those aligned with Stokely Carmichael each having there own respective slogans of â€Å"Freedom Now† and â€Å"Black Power†.During the March a man by the name of James Meredith was gunned down and Carmichael is quoted in saying â€Å"This is the twenty-seventh time I have been arrested and I ain't going to jail no more! The only way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin' us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin' now is Black Power! † From then on the SNCC was for the Black Power movement and Black separatism from whites. The goal of Black Nationalism was also held by the Black Muslims a religious group under the Nation of Islam fighting for Black Power.The Bla ck Muslims were a well known organization within the movement. They were angry, impatient, outspoken, and did more then just talk. There goal was to develop the black community economically in order to supply jobs and gain capital solely by using their own resources, which would help them deal with the white society from a more powerful position. One of the best leaders of the Black Muslims and of the Black Power movement was Malcolm X. He was a very well known and heard man who studied under Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam.Malcolm X believed in black independence from white society and brought his strong views against white racism and discrimination to the public eye more so then maybe any other leader of the movement and became a threaten figure to white America. Malcolm X was later assassinated in 1965 not due to conflicts with white society, but due to conflicts within the Nation of Islam, specifically those dealing with leader Elijah Muhammad. The SNCC and Bl ack Muslims looked at white society as one and in turn formed there own racism and prejudice to all whites and believed in Black separatism and Black Nationalism.The Black Panthers however were a well known group of the Black Power Movement and believed in neither Black separatism nor Black Nationalism. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal, founders of the Black Panthers believed in creating a political group for the people, one that would stand up for the opposed against those who oppose them. They felt the national government not white society was holding them down and the struggle for blacks came more from economic exploitation then from racism.Here is a quote from Bobby Seal as writing in his book Seize The Time â€Å"In our view it is a class struggle between the massive proletarian working class and the small, minority ruling class. Working-class people of all colors must unite against the exploitative, oppressive ruling class. So let me emphasize again — we believe our fight is a class struggle and not a race struggle. † Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seal believed in something bigger, something along the lines of a revolution with the strength of numbers and will power of the people leading the way.Newtown and Seal received much harassment from law enforcement because of this message, so much so that Newton was convicted of killing a police officer and thrown in prison causing much uproar in the legions people he stood up for. The Black Panthers are still very much alive today and continue to stand up for the people. Here is a statement from there website, â€Å"We know now, more then ever before, that the will of the people is greater than the technology and repression of those who are against the interests of the people. Therefore we know that we can and will continue to serve and educate the people†.All three of these groups had significant role in the black power movement and there anger and aggression both directly and indirectly helped pa ve the way for black politics. The National Black Political convention was held March 10-12 1972 in Gary, Indiana and was a huge milestone for black politicians to come and we now have a black man in office. In close, looking at the situation I feel there are both pros and cons. I believe the movement for Black Power helped open the worlds eyes to inequality and inspired movements to come such as women’s rights, red power, and gay/lesbian rights to name a few.The movement gave the black community a sense of pride to be black and helped cure the pains left by years of slavery and segregation. In turn though this caused more racism both from blacks and whites alike due to such a strong emphasis on race and black segregation. This racism is still easy to see in present time, although the discrimination is definitely lower. I believe if the civil rights and Black Power movements could have worked as one, things would have turned out better for the black community overall.This is an image of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, two American track athletes who placed first and third respectively giving the Black Power salute on the podium at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. This caused great controversy and both were kicked out of the Olympic village and were expelled from the games by the IOC. Both men were booed by the crowd when they left the podium and Smith later stated â€Å"If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight†.Bibliography . Black Panthers, www. BlackPanther. org . Black Muslims, http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/society/A0807794. html . Malcolm X, http://www. malcolmx. com/about/bio3. html . SNCC, http://mlk-kpp01. stanford. edu/index. php/encyclopedia/encyclopedia/enc_student_nonviolent_coordinating_committee_sncc/ . Black Power wikipedia, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Black_Powe r . In search of African America, http://www. hoover. archives. gov/exhibits/africanamerican/blackpower/index. html . Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 5th edition Pg. 256-258 [pic][pic]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Financial Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Planning - Case Study Example The ethical standards also require the financial planners to get acknowledgement from their clients for deploying funds in the high risk investment avenues. In cases of conflict of interest, the financial planners are required to regard their professional duty of giving priority to the interest of their client. Finally, the high standards of practice require the financial planners to provide unbiased financial advises to their clients for protecting their interests. The financial planning done by the planners of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia falls under the FPA code of professional and ethical practice. However, the issues that led to the inquiry by the Senate against the scandal in the Commonwealth Bank’s financial planning activities exposed the activities of the financial planners of CBA. ... ivities of CBA financial planners that came to light after the global financial crisis included misallocation of superannuation funds in the investment areas that is considered to be highly risky as a result of which the retired employees lost a major part of their superannuation fund. This is a specific example of CBA breaching the FPA code of conduct and ethics as the investments in high risks avenues was done by CBA without the consent of the retired employees and the clients. Apart from deploying funds into high risk management avenues without the prior permission of the holder, several associated issues related to forgery of signatures, and mysterious missing of documents came to light. Thus, the financial planners of CBA resorted to unethical practices which are against the professional norms. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia concealed that information from their clients who were not even informed of the activities of the financial planners. Question 1 b The financial plannin g scandal of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia demonstrated the conflict of interest between the clients of the bank and the activities of the financial planners of the Commonwealth Bank and the management. The financial planners under the management of the Bank were engaged into unethical professional practices of undertaking high risks on investments with the funds of the investors who were their clients. Although a logical reasoning by the financial planners would explain the investments were risky, they were engaged into unfair practices by taking a chance to increase the return of the bank with the help of public money (McKeown, 2012, p.39). The interest of CBA was to maximize the return on investment made by them with the use of public funds. The interest of the bank never

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Education and Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education and Code of Ethics - Essay Example The identified article emanates from the ethics of freedom of thought and expression. Allowing students to explore divergent, possibly antithetical points of view on a single issue is synonymous with allowing them to discard these views and arguments which they, as individuals, find unpersuasive and search for those which are more consistent with their own thoughts. Its ethical rationale further emanates from that set of precepts which dictate the imperatives of directing ad guiding students towards the exploration of multiple viewpoints both as a strategy for the development of critical thinking skills and as a means for providing them with the means by which they may formulate their own, independent, points of view (Fullan, 22007). Upon violating the said student right, teachers are not simply engaging in the violation of the Code but are undermining the very basis upon which creative and critical thought, on the one hand, are based, and that which the capacity to engage in freedom of expression is predicated upon, on the other (Fullan, 2007). The implication here is that not only are teachers violating their profession's espoused code of ethics but, in so doing, are stilting their intellectual curiosity and constraining their potential capacities for creativity. Accordingly, the violation of Article 3(a) of the code has far-reaching repercussions, both as regards individual students and society as a whole. Given the societal and student-centered consequences of violation, violators/professional teachers are confronted with disciplinary action should they "unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view" (The Code of Ethics, 3a). To ensure, however, that teachers/professional educators are fully cognizant of their responsibilities and are knowledgeable of student rights, on 25 September 1991, the ESC unanimously voting that training in the code and principles be required of all preservice teacher education programs and be included as a component of the Professional Orientation Program. The commission also made recommendations related to giving publicity to the code and principles and offering technical assistance to school districts for training of educators (Fullan, 1992, Haynes, 1998). The recommendations approved by the full commission directed the ESC and its staff to (a) produce a videotape about the code and principles for district use in training of personnel, (b) de velop and disseminate a brochure about the code and principles to students in preservice education and educators already in service, (c) develop a document summarizing cases related to each principle, and (d) provide training and materials to district personnel who will be providing inservice to educators within the district. All of these efforts focused on providing information and education to school personnel about the code and principles which govern their profession (Fullan, 1992). The EPC formed a rules committee during 1992 to examine the feasibility of establishing penalty guidelines based on past cases and penalties to assist teacher and administrator panels in their deliberations. During the public hearing held at the EPC meeting in Tampa on October 1, 1992, the committee reported its preliminary findings. Several commission members noted the committee only examined cases and

Advances in accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advances in accounting - Essay Example This research seeks to determine the relevance of OBA in an environment with high competition and the lack of cooperation between the suppliers and consumers. Most companies after exploiting most of the cost reduction methods have resorted to forming supply chains to be competitive in the market. With this, OBA was found to be necessary for reducing cost and thus raised productivity. For OBA to be successful, it requires cooperation and mutual trust between the suppliers and consumers. The researchers have noted that most companies are not willing to share important information with the buyers. This paper is important since it seeks to address the importance and challenges facing the application of OBA technique in inter-organizational cost management. Despite the challenging circumstances under which OBA is applied, the paper addresses how it can be used for the good of the parties involved and also give recommendations on how to counter the challenges involved. The paper is interesting since it involves interacting with people in the real market situation, and the findings thereof are a true reflection of what is happening in the field. The key reference literatures for this research are vi. Sharing Sensitive Information in Supply Relationships: The Flaws in One-way Open-book Negotiation and the Need for Transparency, European Management Journal by Lamming, Richard, Nigel D. Caldwell, Wendy E. Phillips, and Deborah A. Harrison (2005) The above books describe the relevance of OBA to cost reduction and the conditions for the success of the tool to cost management in IOCM. These books seek to describe the challenges facing the implementation of OBA in inter-organization cost management. The research method chosen for the study is interview. This involved interviewing purchasing experts in the first and second phases and afterward interviewed sales experts. These interviews were done using questionnaires, whereby the questionnaires were sent to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Basel Core Principles on Developing Countries Essay

Basel Core Principles on Developing Countries - Essay Example The Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices (Basel Committee) was established in 1974. The Committee was comprised of the central bank Governors of the Group of Ten countries. These countries in particular are Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The repercussions of the turmoil in markets and international currency created the need for this congregation. The Basel Committee was tasked to oversee and supervise financial institutions and to issue recommendations and standards on banking laws and regulations. It serves as the forum for cooperation on sound banking practices for member countries. In 1988, the Basel Committee gave birth to Basel Capital Accord, or the 1988 Accord. The 1988 Accord was to serve as the international standard to be followed by financial institutions. This has come to be known as a stabilising instrument in banking institutions that foster cooperation among participating countries. The aim of the 1988 Accord was to give a new framework that will strengthen the stability of the banking system and to make sure that the framework will be fair and consistent in application to various banks to reduce inequality among international banks. It provided a system for capital measurement and stated the minimum requirements for international banking business. The most significant aspect of the 1988 Accord is the provision imposing a regulatory capital requirement. It required the minimum capital-to-asset ratio of financial institutions to equal to at least eight percent (8%) of the risk-weighted assets. Thus, if all of the institutions assets are exposed to 1 00% risk, then its capital at hand must be valued at least 8% of its assets. The changes in the 1988 Accord were proposed in 1999. The proposal aims to formulate a capital framework that has evolved to the needs of the time. Thus, the International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework or the Basel II Accord came upon in June 2004. Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision A remarkable benchmark was made through the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervisions or the Basel Core Principles. The Basel Core Principles aim to respond to the weaknesses in the banking systems that can threaten countries, regions and even the international community. This document was issued on September 1997 after examinations and studies made by the Basle Committee, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Compared to the 1988 Accord, many developing countries participated in the drafting of the Basel Core Principles, like Chile, Thailand, China, Argentina, Brazil and India among others. The Basel Core Principles are made of 25 basic Principles that are supposed to guide the regulatory or public authorities in the countries into implementing or maintaining an effective financial system. These 25 basic Principles are classified into seven sections. Principle 1 deals with the Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision. Principles 2 to 5 discuss the Licensing and Structure. Principles 6 to 15 break down the Prudential Regulations and Requirements that are suppose

Friday, July 26, 2019

Internation cultural and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internation cultural and communication - Essay Example At this juncture, companies are exposed to diversified cultural and economic environments (Checkland, 2013). Without the essence of effective means of communication, multinational companies cannot acquire adequate employee voice required for stimulating long-term commercial growth. This essay will make a theoretical as well as empirical analysis about ways in which organizational culture and communication process help to create increased employee voice. Employee voice is a term that refers to the extent of employee participation in the decision making process of an organization. It is believed that success of a company in both its domestic and foreign markets substantially depends on efficiency of its factor resources. Among all resources, human capital (labour resource) is most crucial, given that this helps to channelize other productive resources of the firm. Thus, it is highly rational to analyze the communication and cultural means of an organization, which assist in managing hu man workforce more efficiently (Carter, et al., 2013). It is noted that a multinational organization can incorporate better systems of employee representation by encouraging enhanced employee participation. Policies introduced by the public authorities of different economies, such as, the New Labor policy of 1997, European Social Policy and the Employee Information and Consultation Rights, ensure fulfilment of employee’s interests in the workplaces (Johansson, 2013). Such government introduced policies have directly influenced voice of the employees and have also indirectly affected the working environment wherein voicing powers of the workers can be exercised. Voice is a common word used in the studies of Human Resource Management (HRM). A popular international business cultural model was introduced by Howard V. Perlmutter. It was known as the EPG model and included ethnocentric, geocentric and polycentric dimensions to explain

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nuclear Accedents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nuclear Accedents - Essay Example Nuclear Fission. Nuclear fission is described as the process of splitting a heavy atom into two or more lighter atoms by bombarding the heavy atom with a slow moving neutron. As the heavy atom splits, a large amount of energy is released. In addition, a number of neutrons are released which in turn splits other heavy atoms. This creates a chain reaction that releases the energy required to generate electricity in nuclear power plants (Washington State Department of Health 2003). As shown in Figure 1, a slow moving neutron hits a heavy atom, in this case Uranium-235 and splits it into two lighter atoms, Krypton-92 and Barium-141, and 3 neutrons. Figure 1. Nuclear fission (FastFission 2010b). In Figure 2, the three neutrons either: (1) gets absorbed by Uranium-238 and does not split the atom; (2) does not hit any other atom, which stops the reaction; or (3) hits another Uranium-235 atom and causes it to split, replicating the previous process. This continuous process of splitting atoms is called a nuclear fission chain reaction. Breeze (2005) described the energy produced as enormous. Theoretically, one kilogram of naturally-occurring Uranium can produce about 140 GWh of energy, which is equivalent to the power output of a 1000 MWh coal-fired power plant operating at full power for approximately 6 days. Figure 2. Fission chain reaction (FastFission 2010). Nuclear Power Plants. To generate electrical power, nuclear fission is harnessed in a way that a controlled nuclear reaction can take place and continue indefinitely. In a nuclear reactor, fission is controlled by the use of boron rods which absorb the neutrons generated, stopping the chain reaction from proceeding. Another crucial component in nuclear reactors is the presence of a moderator, usually in the form of water or graphite. Water slows the neutrons down, making fission possible. Otherwise, fast moving neutrons cannot initiate a fission reaction (Breeze 2005). Figure 3. A typical pressurized water react or setup (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2007) Figure 3 illustrates how a nuclear power plant works. As Uranium undergoes fission, an enormous amount of energy is generated. This energy is released in the form of heat which raises the temperature of the water inside the reactor. As the water heats up, it is pumped through pipes and flows into a steam generator. As the pipes get in contact with the colder water stored in the steam generator, steam is produced. The steam then drives the turbines connected to the generators, producing electricity. The hot water from the reactor does not come in contact with the water in the steam generator since the hot water is separated by the pipes. This eliminates the risk of radioactive materials going outside the reactor (Breeze 2005). NRX accident in Canada. The NRX reactor was created to demonstrate the use of heavy water or D2O as a moderator for nuclear reactors and served as the forerunner of the Canada Deuterium Uranium or CAND U reactor. It was constructed in Canada during in 1947. The NRX reactors utilized uranium fuel rods contained in a pressure tube cooled by light water flowing between the rods and the pressure tube wall. Meanwhile, heavy water is utilized as the moderator flowing between pressure tubes (Martin 2006). Figure

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public Relations - Essay Example Corporate social responsibility will always be given the emphasis that it richly deserves because it makes or breaks an organization in the sheer sense of the word1. To start with, public relations aim to focus on the aspect of building credibility for the sake of the organization in the eyes of the publics so that they can think, act and feel positive about the organization, the individual or an entity for that matter. The public relations are usually given importance because the organizations know that they will be able to derive a great amount of mileage from the intended publics as they aim to touch upon new avenues and explore the novel pathways upon which these publics can be reached in essence. What is most important is the fact that ethical manifestations start making the rounds of the discussions which center on the premise of public relations and the related corporate social responsibility2. ... Since public relations are all about understanding how the organization should be viewed by the public in terms of its important dealings, it will never afford to have a negative word about its own self. The role of public relations within the corporate social responsibility ranks is all the more necessary to gain an insight from. This is because public relations have always been forthright about the organization’s corrective stance no matter how difficult it is to reveal to the varied publics. This gains importance with the changing times since people are now properly realizing how they must be treated at the hands of these organizations and what kind of attitudes rule the roost at the end of the day. Public relations will always assist in building up a corporate social responsibility understanding as it takes care of the problems which arise every now and then, and assures one of complete responsibility and commitment to an organizational cause. The role of the public relati ons at improving and enhancing the levels of corporate social responsibility should be such that there is empathy within the related ranks, and this shall mean success for the organizations in the long run. If corporate social responsibility understandings are properly managed, then this would immense success for the organization because these are run parallel with the public relations domains4. The management regimes of the organizations always look at addressing the grey areas so that these weaknesses could be plugged and turned into strengths in a very free flowing manner5. Since the corporate social responsibility measures take care of the ethical look of the organization and thus it creates harmony amongst the aegis of the organization, it would always

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Genocide in Syria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Genocide in Syria - Essay Example The categorization of the group and the various individuals in that group is usually seen to defined by the perpetrators of the action. Perhaps the most distinctive contribution of this definition as proposed by chalk and Jonassohn is the description that the particular victim group and its various members are actually defined by the perpetrators. This aspect of the definition allows for the emphasizing that the perpetrators fundamentally work primarily according to their own individual and often fantastical, ideas of perceived enemy groups (30). The widely accepted definition as formulated by the UN terms genocide as being actions that are seen to be committed with the prime intent of attempting to destroy, the whole or specific parts of a national, ethnic, religious or racial group (Melson 23). The Origin of the Syrian Situation The Syrian civil war that has now turned into a genocide is seen to have initially grown out of a popular uprising against the current reigning al-Assad re gime. The uprising which began in March 2011 was part of the series of Arab Spring uprisings which were experienced in some regions of the Middle East having been inspired by the early 2011 fall of the repressive Tunisian regime. Among the key factors that resulted in causing the initial series of protests in Syria include widespread anger over the huge unemployment rates, state corruption, the numerous decades of dictatorship and state violence. By using a brutal response against the initial peaceful protests, the regime’s security forces were seen to inadvertently trigger a full-scale civil war that has now degenerated into a genocide. Despite experiencing some periodical ascents and descents, the current raging war in Syria is seen to have been continuously raging for a time period of over two years. Massive deaths (genocide) as a result of the Conflict According to the latest UN estimates, an approximated 5,000 Syrians are currently dying each month primarily as a result of the civil war and nearly 100,000 Sunnis are now estimated to have been destroyed by the reigning Assad regime since the advent of the war. Of note is that, there happens to be no magic number of actual deaths that can be used to categorize genocide. The ongoing genocide can only be identified by the act itself which is seen to have taken the form of deliberate and widespread destruction of extensively large numbers of non-combatant Sunni civilians (Carey 2013). As opposed to there being peaceful marches by Syrian citizens on the streets advocating for their freedom demands, the streets of Syria are now seen to primarily be peopled by a number of uncontrolled armed groups as well as the regime’s military powers. This has resulted in destruction levels in the country reaching a hitherto unprecedented level. CBC News (2013) reports that the an estimated over two million Syrian have reportedly fled the country with 1.93 million being registered as refugees and an additional 17 4,000 waiting for their refugee registration as at Sept 2013. The number of displaced persons inside the country is constantly on the increase and various aid agencies reported an estimated over four

Monday, July 22, 2019

Xlas ais syllabus Essay Example for Free

Xlas ais syllabus Essay I. COURSE DESCRIPTION A general survey of scholarship practiced within three broad cultures of inquiry: the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Through a cross-disciplinary framework, this course explores the diverse ideas, values, and practices used by various disciplines to investigate and organize their subject matter and create knowledge. Students will consider and compare the assumptions, methods, ethics, and impact of inquiry and scholarship within these three broad cultures of inquiry. Students will examine, compare, and contrast the intellectual endeavors that influence society and human experience. II. GOAL PURPOSE One of the primary purposes of all universities is to produce and share knowledge. Thus, the overall goal of this course is to provide incoming students with a general introduction to academic cultures of inquiry and the ideas, values, and beliefs inherent in its varied disciplinary perspectives. The specific purpose of this course is to provide an overview of academic inquiry and to guide student discovery of how various disciplines produce knowledge. This course begins with the premise that processes of inquiry differ by academic tradition, and thus represent distinct cultures of knowledge-making. Extending beyond simple rote memorization, the course will emphasize deep understanding and application of concepts. Hence, the course examines academic cultures of inquiry within the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and provides students a brief introduction to: (1) how different disciplines formulate and investigate questions; (2) how specialized disciplinary language influences inquiry; (3) how context and community influence inquiry; and (4) how each discipline uses different means, materials, and methods of inquiry to produce knowledge. A common theme â€Å"Food Matters† is used to organize the course readings and discussions. 1 III. LEARNING OUTCOMES This course contributes to the following measurable outcomes: LEARNING OUTCOME Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: COURSE AND/OR CORE ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOME CORE CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE 1. Compare and contrast how scholars from the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences ask questions and seek answers. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Critical Thinking 2. Categorize disciplines within the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences Course Learning Outcome 3. Generate examples of appropriate research/inquiry questions in the  Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences Course Learning Outcome 4. Identify key research/inquiry terms and concepts used in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. Course Learning Outcome 5. Explain similarities and differences in communication conventions in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences, using oral presentation, visual representations, and writing. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Communication Skills 6. Identify credible resources and elements of scholarly work in the Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Natural  Sciences Course Learning Outcome 7. Identify components of ethical research and inquiry germane to the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences (e. g. , avoiding misrepresentation and distortion of information, academic dishonesty, and personal bias). Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Personal Responsibility 2 8. Explain how academic inquiry and various communities (local to global) influence each other. Course and Core Assessment Learning Outcome Social Responsibility IV. COURSE GRADING Final Class grades will be based on the following weights: Assignment Percent of Course Grade  Class Attendance 5% Weekly Assignments, Homework, Quizzes 40% Exams/Assessments (4 X 10%) 40% Group Presentation/Individual Response Paper 15% Total 100% V. COURSE REQUIREMENTS A. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of the course and is, therefore, mandatory. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. Dropping a course is the student’s responsibility. Instructors will NOT drop or withdraw students because of non-attendance. B. WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS, HOMEWORK, QUIZZES Student learning will be regularly assessed using a combination of weekly in-class assignments, homework, and/or quizzes designed for class participation. These will help students keep up with the assigned reading as well as provide a context for students to work through and reflect on class material. These cannot be replicated outside class sessions. If a student is absent (or late), he/she clearly cannot participate in the activity that occurred during the absence or tardiness. Students may not make up missed in-class activities without providing a medical excuse or verification of participation in official UTSA activities, e. g. : representing UTSA in approved events such as  debate or athletic events. The lowest in-class assignment grade will be dropped. C. EXAMS/ASSESSMENTS There will be four exams, each covering approximately one fourth of the course material. The exams will consist of objective items and short-answer essay questions. Student essay responses will be graded for grammar, punctuation, sentence-structure, etc. 3 D. GROUP PRESENTATION/INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE PAPER Students will be required to participate in a group presentation. Instructors will assign 3 students per group based on their identified major/area of interest (one Humanities/Fine Arts, one Natural  Sciences, and one Social Sciences). Each group will develop a narrowed topic, statement of the problem, and discipline-specific approaches related to a â€Å"Food Matter. † Students may be provided a list of pre-approved topics or they may identify their own topic, subject to instructor approval. Each group member will follow detailed instructions specific to his/her area of inquiry (instructions and grading rubric provided at later date). The group will work collaboratively to create a poster that includes (1) an overall statement of the problem, (2) a Natural Science disciplinary approach to the problem, (3) a Social  Science disciplinary approach to the problem, and (4) a Humanities/Fine Arts disciplinary approach to the problem. Groups will present a 6 to 7-minute summary of their exploration of inquiry in three broad areas of learning to the class by stating their problem and describing the three approaches to addressing their problem. Each group member is required to participate in the oral presentation and is expected to orally present his/her discipline specific approach. In addition, each group member is expected to provide an individual response paper detailing his/her portion of the presentation. Specific guidelines for the group presentation and indivdiual response paper will be provided at a later date. Reflective Evaluation. Each student may complete a reflective evaluation rubric for each group member and one self-evaluation. Criteria will include the extent to which each group member helped move the group forward, completed tasks effectively and in a timely fashion, supported a constructive team climate, and addressed destructive group conflict. These evaluations may count as a homework grade. Group Presentation Evaluations. Each student in the class will critically evaluate their classmate’s group presentations. A rubric of the presentation evaluation will be provided at a later date. The evaluations may serve as a graded assignment. VI. CLASS POLICIES. Attendance. Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of the course and is, therefore, mandatory. Attendance will be taken at each class meeting. Dropping a course is the student’s responsibility. Instructors may NOT drop or withdraw students because of non-attendance. Participation Preparation. This course is designed to engage class members in a thoughtful, on-going conversation about the nature of research and various academic cultures. Many of the  class activities are based on readings and group work completed prior to and during class. It is, 4 therefore, a student’s responsibility to keep up with the readings and assignments and come to class ready to participate. Electronic Devices. †¢Cell Phones. Ringing cell phones disrupt the learning environment. Please set to vibrate during class. †¢Audio-Taping. It is permissible to record class lectures if you so desire. However, recording the class while going over an exam is prohibited. †¢Laptops and/or Tablets. If you have one, bring it. We may use them during class to access the Internet. Do not use them unless assigned. Makeup Exams, Late Work, Extra Credit, Incompletes. Make-up exams and late work will not be allowed unless PREVIOUSLY cleared with the professor. IF a makeup exam is permitted, the student must take the exam prior to or during the next scheduled class meeting. Late work will be allowed at my discretion. IF late work is accepted, points will be deducted at a rate of 5 percentage points per day, excluding weekends and holidays. No late work will be accepted more than 1 week after the due date. No work for extra credit will be allowed for any individual student for any reason. Course incompletes will be given only in EXTREME cases. Course Evaluation. Professors use feedback provided by students in course evaluations to improve their teaching. Additionally, course evaluations are a strategy used by the University as one factor in evaluating an instructor’s effectiveness. As a faculty member I encourage you to complete the course evaluation during the availability period later in the semester. One extra credit point will be added to the average of participating students at the end of the semester. Students with Disabilities. Students with documented exceptionalities should register with Disability Services (MS 2. 03. 18, 458-4981 or – Downtown BV 1. 302, 458-2945). For more information regarding the Office of Disability Services, consult the following link: http://www. utsa. edu/disability/students. htm Tomas Rivera Center. I encourage you to utilize the academic support services available to you through the Tomas Rivera Center (TRC) to assist you with building study skills and tutoring in course content. These services are available at no additional cost to you. The TRC has several locations at the Main Campus and is also located at the Downtown Campus. For more information, visit the web site at www. utsa. edu/trcss or call (210) 458-4694 on the Main Campus  and (210) 458-2838 on the Downtown Campus. Cheating. Students are expected to be above reproach in scholastic activities. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the 5 possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the University. According to The Regents Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3. 2, Subdivision 3. 22, Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another  person, taking an exam for another person, and act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For more information regarding the UTSA Student Code of Conduct, consult the following link: http://www. utsa. edu/infoguide/appendices/b. html 6 Roadrunner Creed The University of Texas at San Antonio is a community of scholars where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation are fostered. As a Roadrunner, I will: †¢Uphold the highest standards of academic and personal integrity by practicing and expecting fair and ethical conduct; †¢Respect and accept individual differences, recognizing the inherent dignity of each person; †¢Contribute to campus life and the larger community through my active engagement; and †¢Support the fearless exploration of dreams and ideas in the advancement of ingenuity, creativity, and discovery. Guided by these principles now and forever, I am a Roadrunner! 7.

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Example for Free

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Plastic surgery is a medical field that deals with reshaping some body deformities that may have occurred due to birth defects or accidents. It is also used for other purposes such as treating diseases and beauty purposes. An example of a disease which can be treated through plastic surgery is melanoma. If plastic surgery is carried out for younger looks or beauty purposes, it is referred to as cosmetic surgery. This paper will directly address the issue of cosmetic surgery since it is what has caused plastic surgeries addiction all over the world. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay Cosmetic surgeries are never related to any medical condition and are normally done to enhance the physical appearance of an individual. Cosmetic surgery addicts are easily identifiable due to the numerous surgeries they undergo each time claiming that they are not happy with their looks. Many victims of cosmetic surgery suffer from a medical condition known as Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD). This mental disorder has made people imagine that they look different from others and there is a need for surgery so that they can improve their looks. Discussion Cosmetic surgery is a major problem today as a number of people who are addicted to it are doing it repeatedly in order to achieve their imaginary beauty. This practice is becoming frequent and in many instances it is affecting women as they try to change and improve their physical appearances. The problem with such kind of people only exists in their mind because it is hard to view yourself as being ugly from others, it is only a perception. If you view yourself as being ugly from others, the problem will never end even if you undergo so many plastic surgeries. This perception will directly influence the level of your happiness and accepting yourself the way you are. The practices of undergoing plastic surgery repeatedly in order to feel happy and look like the ones you view as more beautiful than yourself is what doctors refer to as BDD. This condition normally affects both male and females under the age of 18 equally (Gorbis, 2003). People suffering from BDD use plastic surgery as a solution to their unending dissatisfaction with their body physical appearance (Gorbis, 2003). Almost all people who suffer from BDD seek solution to cosmetic surgery. As a surgeon, you should be able to discover someone suffering from this medical condition and recommend him/her to a psychologist. Any invention has both positive and negative sides but plastic surgery addiction would cause more harm to the body compared to the benefits associated with it. For instance, it can damage the skin and muscle tissue of an individual permanently. Another well-known harm caused by plastic surgery addiction is the permanent nerve damage. This may result to permanent loss of feeling and sensation in all the affected areas of an individual who have undergone plastic surgery repeatedly. Many individuals who undergo plastic surgery repeatedly to perfect their physical appearances in most cases end up with irreversible damage that make them look awful compared to their original appearances. Plastic surgery addiction cause more harm to the physical appearance of people with BDD instead of enhancing it. People suffering from BDD undergo plastic surgery so that they can attract attention from the public. They later regret when things go wrong. This is an indication that it should be discouraged and people suffering from BDD should be referred to a Psychiatrist or psychologist instead of a surgeon. Plastic surgery is not cost friendly at all. The operation is very expensive and its outcomes are sometimes not worth the price. What the addicted victims fail to understand is that, plastic surgery operation can only result to two things. That is, a great success or a failure. This means that, the more operations you undergo, the higher the risk of failure (Pruitt, 2009). Many individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery are attracted by what they see in the media. They watch successful surgeries of famous celebrities and think that it might as well work on. This is not usually the case and the individuals we watch on the media having successful surgeries sometimes develop problems at a later date. Plastic surgery addiction is very different from drugs and other things addiction in that it fulfills people physiological needs. Therefore, it is normally difficult for individuals who are not satisfied with their physical appearance to stop plastic surgery. This is something they are viewing in the mirror now and then. If they are not satisfied with what they see, they will definitely run to a surgeon so that the body part they feel is not well placed can be rectified. The problem with such an individual is that he/she is likely not to be satisfied with many body parts. Thus, resulting to a series of plastic surgeries so as to be satisfied with his/her physical appearance. In my opinion, I would only recommend plastic surgery to individuals who have a medical problem. I would never encourage cosmetic surgery because it is doing more harm than enhancing appearance of individuals who are undertaking it. Most people who are addicted to cosmetic surgeries perceive themselves in the wrong manner. They normally have their imaginary images on their minds which they think they can turn to after the operation. This normally does not happen and that is why they undergo so many operations before they realize they are destroying their images. Plastic surgery should only be carried out under medical conditions not for pleasure. Pictures are all over the internet showing how plastic surgery addiction has caused a number of celebrities to lose their good looks. Cosmetic surgery is not good at all because it has not worked well for people who have done it. They are suffering from negative impacts of plastic surgery addiction. It should be therefore be discouraged unless under medical conditions. Conclusion Plastic surgery is not bad if it is used for solving a medical condition. However, having a plastic surgery for beauty purposes or look young should be discouraged by all means. It should be discouraged because it might possibly lead to addiction. Physicians as well as public awareness concerning BDD should be increased to control the unnecessary plastic surgeries. Doctors should also try their best to identify troubled patients so that they can direct them to psychologist or psychiatrist who can advise them. There are other treatments other than surgeries which can help people who have problems with their physical appearance. Psychologist and psychiatrists can really assist individuals with plastic surgeries addiction. The only problem to the control of this addiction is that cosmetic and plastic surgery is so accessible and doctors have not provided a regulation on the number of surgeries an individual should undergo in a given period.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Forehead Lipoma Case Study

Forehead Lipoma Case Study ABSTRACT The lipoma is a relatively rare maxillofacial tumor, although it occurs with considerable frequency in other areas, particularly in the subcutaneous tissues of the neck. Lipomas are common benign soft tissue neoplasms of mature adipose tissue. They have been known to grow to large sizes causing masticatory and speech difficulties. The usual lesions consist of a well circumscribed, lobulated mass of mature fat cells. In other situations the covering mucosa becomes ulcerated and presents a diagnostic dilemma and seldom occurs in the younger age group. We present a case of forehead lipoma affecting 52 year old male patient. KEY WORDS – Lipoma , forehead , surgery INTRODUCTION Lipomas are benign tumors of mesenchymal origin consisting of mature fat cells which usually are involved by a thin fibrous capsule(1) . There are several forms and dimensions of this condition depending on location or evolution time which may cause orofacial deformity in some patients.( 2) Etiology of lipoma remains uncertain, even after pointing endocrine changes and heritance factors as possible causes. It is known that lipomas are mainly present in the fifth and sixth decade of life, being rarely found during childhood .(3,4) Lipoma’s are also seen in intra oral sites such as in lips, tongue, palate, buccal vestibule, floor of the mouth and parotid region(1,3) . Incisional or excisional biopsy can be done in these cases. Yellow coloration of lipoma should be observed as well as fluctuation of the lesion. This lesion will be on the liquid surface due to its lower density than a fixer solution(5,6-8). The treatment of lipomas is surgical removal. The recurrence is rare (1) a nd there is no reported malignant transformation (6) . Although, growth of lipoma is usually limited, it can grow to large proportions which can interfere in the speech, mastication, that reinforce the necessity to realize a surgical removal.(7,8) The present study aims to show a rare case of forehead lipoma in the maxillofacial region. CASE REPORT A 52 year old male reported to the Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery with the chief complaint of swelling in the forehead region which patient noticed 1 year back which had been gradually increasing initially but reported rapid growth since 1 month. On examination , a well defined 2 x 2 cm swelling was noticed in the forehead region on the right side just above the right eyebrow (Fig. 1). The skin over the swelling was stretched. No lymph nodes were palpable. On palpation, swelling was soft , fluctuant , non tender , mobile and the margins were slippery under the palpating finger. The swelling was non-pulsatile. The provisional diagnosis of lipoma was established. A differential diagnosis of dermoid cyst was excluded by negative aspiration . Routine blood investigations were carried out and were normal to plan an excisional biopsy under Local Anesthesia . Local anesthetic with adrenaline was infiltrated at the periphery of the lesion. Incision was then given along the crease in forehead to achieve better esthetic closure , crossing the swelling at its greatest bulge. Lesion was then slowly dissected out with the capsule in toto (Fig 2). Hemostasis achieved and subcuticular sutures were given (Fig. 3 4) so that scar is aesthetically acceptable . Histopathology report revealed a capsulated lesion with numerous adipocytes with peripherally placed nuclei. Admixed collagenic streaks were also seen. The entire lesion was excised and no recurrence has been observed for the past 6 months and the patient is under regular follow up. DISCUSSION Lipoma is a benign slow growing neoplasm composed of mature fat cells. Lipomas in the oral cavity are rare. The most common locations of lipoma in the oral cavity have been reported to be in the buccal mucosa, a region abundant in fatty tissue, followed by tongue. The hard palate has very little fatty tissue and the incidence of a lesion here is quite low. [9] Lipoma differs metabolically from the normal fat cells even though they are histologically similar. It has been shown that the fat of lipoma is not used for energy production during starvation period, as it happens with normal adipose tissue, their lipid is not available for metabolism. Adipose tissue is present in two basic forms white fat and brown fat. The clinical features of lipoma vary according to their rate of growth, size, and location. The usual complaint is of a painless palpable esthetically unpleasant mass, and there is seldom dysfunction of an involved muscle. A characteristic feature is a change in consistency and form of many of these lesions during contraction of involved muscle. The tumor is soft and flat when the muscle is relaxed and becomes firm and more spherical when muscle contracts. The etiology varies from the differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal cells in fat tissue, cartilage, and bone to metaplasia of a preexisting lipoma. Mesenchymal cells are modified by systemic and local influences that range from local trauma to prolonged ischemia. [10] Occasionally, the lipoma may invade muscles or grow between them: the so-called infiltrating lipoma. Infiltrating lipoma is an uncommon mesenchymal neoplasm that characteristically infiltrates adjacent tissues and tends to recur after excision. This type of lipoma is extremely rare in the head and neck region , and its congenital type is rare. [11] Lipoma consist of mature fat cells arranged into lobules that are separated by septa of fibrous connective tissue (12). Liposarcoma is important in the differential diagnosis, because well differentiated liposarcoma often contains many areas of lipomatous tissue. Despite the close histological similarity to normal adipose tissue, lipomas, usually have chromosomal aberrations such as translocations involving 12q13-15, locus interstitial deletions of 13q, and rearrangements involving 8q11-13 locus. [13] The clinical differential diagnosis includes ranula, dermoid cyst, thyroglossal duct cyst, ectopic thyroid tissue, pleomorphic adenoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma, angiolipoma, fibrolipoma and malignant lymphoma. The definitive diagnosis is made by means of microscopic examination which shows adult fat tissue cells embedded in a stroma of connective tissue and surrounded by a fibrous capsule. On some occasions lipoma of the buccal mucosa cannot be distinguished from a herniated buccal fat pad, except by the lack of a history of sudden onset after trauma. Lesions outside the oral cavity could show greater recurrence rates after surgical excision. CONCLUSION Lipomas found in the oral and maxillofacial region are rare and usually slow growing lesions. The clinical course is usually asymptomatic until they get larger in size. Most lipomas develop in the subcutaneous tissues but deeper tissues may be involved as well. Surgical excision is the main treatment for lipoma. The complete excision along with precautions to prevent damage to adjacent structures should be emphasized during the operation, which is the key factor in order to avoid recurrence with least morbidity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Woodrow Wilson and American Diplomacy Essay -- United States

Woodrow Wilson and American Diplomacy â€Å"Until early in [the twentieth] century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then, two factors projected America into world affairs: its rapidly expanding power, and the gradual collapse of the international system centered on Europe† . President Woodrow Wilson was the leader who would initiate the ideologies of American diplomacy in the twentieth century. Up until his Presidency, American foreign policy was simply to fulfill the course of manifest destiny, and to remain free of entanglements overseas. Although he could not convince his fellow politicians on Capitol Hill of the probable success of his ideas, he did persuade the fellow writers of the Treaty of Versailles to use his Fourteen Points. America’s role as a political global superpower was established during his Presidency, as well as the modern policy that peace depends on the spread of democracy, and that national interest consists of adhering to a global system of law. The formation of modern American diplomacy can not only be attributed to Wilson, for the policies of Theodore Roosevelt are what initiated his diplomatic policies. Roosevelt convinced Congress to strengthen the Army and Navy, and began major involvement in European affairs. His foreign policy regarding the Caribbean followed the policy of the Monroe Doctrine, that to maintain order in the Caribbean, foreign nations could not be involved, however Roosevelt did not follow the Doctrine to the extent of forceful evacuation of the Americas, he did use diplomatic means. He prevented European warfare in Venezuela, by negotiating with the involved nations. He found that it was America’s duty, just as all other powerful nation’s duties, to police the world and maintain order. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was issued, and it stated that America would be the police force of the Americas, and that European intervention was not necessary. This major step showe d that America had no goals in obtaining new territories in the Caribbean, and was a measure to protect the Panama region from upheaval. Wilson would follow Roosevelt’s ideologies but to an even greater extent as he created a modern Monroe Doctrine. There shall be no annexations. National aspirations must be respected; peoples may now be dominated, and†¦[may now] be governed only by the... ...t realize that it was he who shaped modern American diplomacy, it was he who shaped the twentieth century. Bibliography: 1. Canfield, Leon H. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson: Prelude to a World in Crisis. Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1966. 2. Hoover, Herbert. The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. Washington D.C.: The Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1958. 3. Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994. 4. Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson: A Brief Biography. NewYork: The World Publishing Company, 1963. 5. Link, Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressice Era:1910-1917. New York: Harper and Row, 1954. 6. Link, Arthur S. American Epoch: A History of the U.S. Since the 1890’s. New York: Alfred A. Knoph Publishing, 1966. 7. Schoenherr, Steve ed. â€Å"The Versailles Treaty†, History Dept. at the University of San Diego. January 20, 2000 (last update). University of San Diego. January 20, 2000 (last visited). . 8. Tompkins, Vincent, ed. American Decades: 1910-1919. Detroit: Gale Research, 1996. 9.Uschan, Michael V. A Cultural History of the United States: Through the Decades,the 1910s. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999.

Eleanor Roosevelt Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although she won much respect as the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt gained a lot of her international esteem as a civil rights activist long before that. Eleanor’s interest in politics did not begin when her husband began his career in politics. Once he was named to the Democratic ticket, as Vice President Eleanor became interested in politics. While Franklin was becoming governor of New York she was campaigning for him unknowing that she was advancing her political career as well. Once Eleanor became first lady it was already done she had made a name for herself politically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eleanor’s background in politics goes back to her Uncle Teddy who was once the President of the U.S. Eleanor married a young amiable Harvard student by the name of Franklin Roosevelt. But soon Franklin became bored with Business Law and Eleanor pushed him to go into politics. Aided by a Democratic landslide and his mom’s money he won State Senator from the Hyde Park District. But Eleanor hated Albany and was soon very happy to leave. Franklin liked his newfound success in politics and his career prospered swiftly. He soon became an early backer of Woodrow Wilson as he ran for president, for his efforts he was awarded the job of Assistant Secretary of the Navy, the same job that propelled Eleanor’s Uncle Teddy to presidency. Eleanor liked Washington about as much as she liked Albany and spent little time there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the years after that Franklin contacted polio and it was now up to Eleanor to keep his name before the public. Aided by Louis Howe she went on a mission to salvage her husband’s career. Louis went to meetings that she spoke at and though it took much criticism he managed to get rid of her nervous giggle. Soon Eleanor gained confidence and accepted offers to write in magazines and appear on radio talk shows. She had joined many groups including the Women’s Trade Union League and was also the chair of the Finance Committee of the Women’s Division of the Democratic State Committee. She was fast becoming a prominent public figure, much to her amazement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1928 at the Democratic National Convention Governor Al Smith asked Eleanor to run the entire national Women’s activities in his national campaign for president. Smith soon requested more as he asked Fra... .... (UDHR50)†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clearly Eleanor Roosevelt had a well-known political career without the fame her husband gained. When her husband started out in politics she disliked it but the more she was exposed she soon realized her role was to be useful and politics was the key to this. Her husband Franklin saw her as a great asset to his career and she also made a name for herself that lived on after he died. Works Cited â€Å"Eleanor Roosevelt†, Eleanor Roosevelt Letter, March, 1996, National   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archives and Records Administration, 21 November 2000,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Eleanor on Human Rights†, Eleanor Roosevelt Biography, August, 05 1998,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  National Coordinating Committee for UDHR50, 18 November 2000,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Roosevelt, Eleanor, This I Remember, ed., New York, Harper, 1949. Weinstein, Allen, and Frank Otto Gattell, Freedom and Crisis:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An American History, 3rd ed., New York, Random, 1981.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Essay -- Bridges Engineering

The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge The Tacoma Narrows Bridge is perhaps the most notorious failure in the world of engineering. It collapsed on November 7, 1940 just months after its opening on July 1, 1940. It was designed by Leon Moisseiff and at its time it was the third largest suspension bridge in the world with a center span of over half a mile long. The bridge was very narrow and sleek giving it a look of grace, but this design made it very flexible in the wind. Nicknamed the "Galloping Gertie," because of its undulating behavior, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge drew the attention of motorists seeking a cheap thrill. Drivers felt that they were driving on a roller coaster, as they would disappear from sight in the trough of the wave. On the last day of the bridge's existence it gave fair warning that its destruction was eminent. Not only did it oscillate up and down, but twisted side to side in a cork screw motion. After hours of this violent motion with wind speeds reaching forty and fifty miles per hour, the bridge collapsed. With such a catastrophic failure, many people ask why such an apparently well thought out plan could have failed so badly?(This rhetorical question clearly sets up a position of inquiry-which iniates all research.) The reason for the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is still controversial, but three theories reveal the basis of an engineering explanation. (Jason then directly asserts what he found to be a possible answer to his question.) The bridge was designed at a time when America was moving toward streamline products, this included the design of bridges. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was a sleek, graceful looking suspension bridge. Suspension bridges consist of many cables anchored... ... suspension bridges (pp. 13-102). Seattle: University of Washington Press French, C. & Lorentz, T. (1995). Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete: Effects of materials, mix composition, and cracking. ACI Materials Journal, 92, 181-190. Koughan,J. (1996, August 1). The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, evaluation of its demise, and the effects of the disaster of succeeding bridge designs [Online] Available: O'Connor, C. (1971). Designs of superstructures. New York: Wiley and Sons Petroski, H. (1992). To engineer is human. New York: Vintage Books Troitsky, M. S. (1994). Planning and design of bridges. New York: Wiley and Sons Washington State Department of Transportation. (1999). A short history of "galloping gertie" [Online]. Available: The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Essay -- Bridges Engineering The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge The Tacoma Narrows Bridge is perhaps the most notorious failure in the world of engineering. It collapsed on November 7, 1940 just months after its opening on July 1, 1940. It was designed by Leon Moisseiff and at its time it was the third largest suspension bridge in the world with a center span of over half a mile long. The bridge was very narrow and sleek giving it a look of grace, but this design made it very flexible in the wind. Nicknamed the "Galloping Gertie," because of its undulating behavior, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge drew the attention of motorists seeking a cheap thrill. Drivers felt that they were driving on a roller coaster, as they would disappear from sight in the trough of the wave. On the last day of the bridge's existence it gave fair warning that its destruction was eminent. Not only did it oscillate up and down, but twisted side to side in a cork screw motion. After hours of this violent motion with wind speeds reaching forty and fifty miles per hour, the bridge collapsed. With such a catastrophic failure, many people ask why such an apparently well thought out plan could have failed so badly?(This rhetorical question clearly sets up a position of inquiry-which iniates all research.) The reason for the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is still controversial, but three theories reveal the basis of an engineering explanation. (Jason then directly asserts what he found to be a possible answer to his question.) The bridge was designed at a time when America was moving toward streamline products, this included the design of bridges. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was a sleek, graceful looking suspension bridge. Suspension bridges consist of many cables anchored... ... suspension bridges (pp. 13-102). Seattle: University of Washington Press French, C. & Lorentz, T. (1995). Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete: Effects of materials, mix composition, and cracking. ACI Materials Journal, 92, 181-190. Koughan,J. (1996, August 1). The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, evaluation of its demise, and the effects of the disaster of succeeding bridge designs [Online] Available: O'Connor, C. (1971). Designs of superstructures. New York: Wiley and Sons Petroski, H. (1992). To engineer is human. New York: Vintage Books Troitsky, M. S. (1994). Planning and design of bridges. New York: Wiley and Sons Washington State Department of Transportation. (1999). A short history of "galloping gertie" [Online]. Available:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Group Project Nike Paper Essay

Your specific assignment is to conduct research, analyze, and prepare a report for the CFO on the actual financial performance of the company that you choice for the years 2009, 2010, and 2011. In addition to reviewing the traditional financial performance indicators, you are also to review the companies past and current stock performance for the same periods. Your report is to consist of three parts: 1. an evaluation of the company’s financial performance for the periods 2009, 2010, and 2011 2. an evaluation of the company’s stock performance for the periods 2009, 2010, and 2011 3. finally, a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale, as to whether or not the company’s recent financial and stock performance are of sufficient financial strength to warrant entering into a long-term commitment with the company To assist you in your task, the CFO has provided the following general guidance. As it is recognized that the many companies are undergoing a major contraction, it is very important for you to compare the company’s financial and stock performance trends with those of the industry. You are to consider all necessary and relevant financial performance and stock information, trends, and projections in supporting your recommendation. Relevant factors include, but are not necessarily limited to, financial statement analyses, financial ratio trends and industry comparatives, capital spending, stock growth, Beta values, credit rating service valuations, bond rating valuations, and management and investment reports, when these documents are available. REPORT REQUIREMENTS Your final report is to be an executive-level financial report directed to the CFO. This report must be no longer than six (6) single-spaced typewritten pages. Include suitable comparative, quantitative, and qualitative analyses and conclude with a specific and supported recommendation based on the projected financial viability of the company for the next several years. Essential research data, financial calculations, and other documentation needed to support your recommendation should be referred to in summary form in your report and attached in detail as enclosures. All major sources should be referenced. There is no set limit to the size of the enclosures, but it is recommended that only essential enclosures be attached. You should use references and a bibliography to identify any remaining supporting documents you wish to include. Your report is to be submitted electronically and limited to a maximum of three, one for the executive report, one for attachments and one for power point presentation. Two files are acceptable, with attachments included as separate pages at the end of your report. Only Word, Plain Text, Rich Text, and Excel file formats are acceptable. This report is a group effort and must be researched, developed, and prepared by the entire group. However, to maximize the learning benefit, you are encouraged to share freely and exchange sources of information (Web sites), general approaches, alternatives, and information on general financial theory and applicability as related to the report with other teams. All questions related to this assignment should be referred to the mythical CFO (i.e., me).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov Biography

Lenins political finesse, his understanding of the strength of the peasantry and his rewriting of the communist thought are the characteristics which do Lenin unrivaled of the greatest attracters of Russia. Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, was born(p) on April 22, 1870, in Simbirsk, on the bound of the Volga river. Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, a man with high talk b aces, a ugliness complexion and dark brown eyes, each of which Lenin inherited, was Lenins get, and was the director of schools in Simbirsk province.Lenins m reason(a), Maria Aleksandrovna Blank, was a woman who was rattling devoted to her six children who whole in the give up became evolutionaries, except for adept who died on warfared she could desc block off her siblings. Lenin e real inject on the whole had a good childhood. He liked to play chess, swim, hike, and hunt. Although Lenin had no conclusion fri terminates, he did look up to his brother, Alexander, a great deal. When Lenin entered school in 1879, a t the age of 9 he became a brilliant educatee and this was acclaimed to a teacher who came into the Ulyanov home before Lenin could enter school, and taught him to designate by the age of five.During Vladimirs young age Russia was instead quiet, although non for him. In 1886 Lenins father died and in 1887 his rother Alexander, whom Lenin looked up to, was involved in an unsuccessful p circulate to kill the tsar and was hanged for doing so. The shoe bearrs last of Alexander came as a great blow to Lenin. About his brothers death Lenin simply said Ill make them pay for this I swear it The homogeneous yr his brother was hanged, Lenin finished school at the age of 17 and veritable a gold medal for morality in studies. During the f twain of that year Lenin was admitted to Kazan University to involve truth there.Three calendar months laterwards Lenin had colonised in Kazan he was expelled from the University for joining in a student meeting protesting the ack of exemp tion the students were given in the school. Over the following three days Lenin tried legion(predicate) much beats to regain entryway to the university, just was unsuccessful on all attempts, until 1890 when he tried to gain word meaning to St. Petersburg University. He was admitted as a student but he was not, however, permitted to attend classes, though he would be permitted to pretend the examinations by and by studying on his own.In 1891 aft(prenominal) studying on his own and taking the final examinations Lenin received a virtue degree from St. Petersburg University and united with a law firm in Samara. While static in university Lenin was introduced to the works of Karl Marx, Marx universe a major contributor to the commie Philosophy. In early 1893 Lenin became part of the companionable representative band, a bolshie establishment. In the last mentioned part of that year Lenin reallocated to St. Petersburg and got a moolah on his alterationary railway care er.While in St. Petersburg Lenin found that the quality of leadership came to him tardily and he apace became the leader of a Social Democrat group. Lenin came across as a bright intelligent man. either of Lenins written work was very precise, intensely specific, and crystal clear. In 1897 Lenin was banished to Siberia, after being held for questioning for more(prenominal) than a year, after he was caught by the czars Secret police crash objet dart preparing a rotary motionary spic-and-spanspaper, The Cause, in declination of 1895.During Lenins interval in Siberia he married Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. As banishment to Siberia did not mean confinement and Lenin took advantage of his liberty by carrying on his propagandist publications and alike wrote one of his more overriding accomplishments, The Development of Capitalism In Russia (1899). During the match of 1898, while Lenin was in expulsion from Russia, a collection of concealed Russian Marxist groups alli ed to form the Russian Social democratic get the picture Party.In the ensue design following Lenins Siberian expulsion, January 1900, he received authorization to leave the ground and go to Ger more to assist with the founding of the parties newspaper, The Spark, of which the get off the grounding line issue appeared on December 24, 1900. In 1902 Lenin wrote a pamphlet called What Is To Be by and from this pamphlet came the base of what is called Leninism. The following year the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party broke into cardinal separate, equal, collectives over a ontention nearlywhat party social status.Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks, which translates to The Majority, which suggested that his group was larger. The Bolsheviks coveted that membership to their party be confined to a small member of full- clip revolutionaries. The other group, The Mensheviks, which translates to The Minority, desired that party membership be less restrictive and did not opt a dictatorship, as the Bolsheviks did, but rather to practice more democratically. Just as all this was taking place a vitality of insurrection was taking place across Russia fronting the Czar Nicholas II.The Russian batch wanted land, higher wages, and increased political rights including a legislation. Included in these revolts was an fortuity called Bloody Sun solar daylight which happened when an Orthodox non-Christian priest led a march of nonbelligerent peasants to the home of the Czar, on Sunday January 22, 1905. When they reached the castling the Czars head man panicked at the sight of the m some(prenominal) passel and had his chock ups fire on the defenseless crowd, instruction execution and damaging hundreds. By the fall of 1905 a full strike of nearly all workers stupefied the estate compelling the Czar to give the people a Duma, which is a ower level Parliament.By the end of 1905 mammoth strikes commenced and was followed by a brimming revolution to which the Czar quickly manage a stop to. After this Lenin found it quite arduous to proceed with revolutionary actions in Russia and exhausted some of his time from 1906 until 1908 publish composition leaflets and attending party relation back in England, Germ both and Sweden, chiefly with the intentions of keeping the party together, but besides to expand the standoffishness between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks alleging that the Mensheviks did not want revolution.On August 1, 1914 Germany declared war on Russia and World War I commenced. As Lenin was in Austria at that time, the Austrian political science arranged for Lenin to be transported to Switzerland who did not recruit in the war. It has been noted that many extremists desired a victory for Russia, but it has also been noted that others wanted peace absentminded a victory for any one country, but a victory of peace for all involved. Lenin, however, desired that his country cause a defeat, and that would bring alm ost revolution in the country.During the war Lenin and his cause were aided financially by the German organization, by performing this the Germans felt that they were eroding the Russian war endeavor. By this time most of Lenins supporters had deserted him, indicating as their more fashionable reasons that Lenin was utilise assets intended for the assemblage for himself, and that his ostensible seizure of creator was unwilful by some. This period in Lenins career was suggested by Krupskaya, his wife, as the loneliest point in Lenins career, and as a time when Lenin would transfigure his passions into a surely revolutionary conclusion.It had been three years since the start of the war and the countries were windlessness attling, Russia had illogical many of her passage of armss and the country was in annoyance. Food shortages were occurring all across the country, mainly in the cities, but bread was especially shortly yielded. In early February 1917 bread was nowhere to be found in Petrograd and immense lines away the bread shops collected and the tensions increased. By the end of the starting line quarter of February approximately two hundred thousand workers were on strike and demonstrating in the chapiter.On the fifteenth day of border district nineteen- seventeen, the Czar Nicholas II, gave up his great deal and also gave up the throne or his son. This left the throne to the Nicholass brother who did not want the throne, thus ending three hundred years of autocratic rule. With no one in major power of the country a democratic provisional brass was formed. For a duration the governing power was shared by the provisional political science with the Petrograd Soviet, but before long the Bolsheviks, although very unorganized demanded that all ability be granted to the soviets.At the present time Lenin was still in Switzerland and was pondering a way to return to Russia. The German government was willing to allow Lenin passage through Germany, b y way of rail. The only topic the German government was, however, worried about during Lenins trek was of him agitating the German workers. Because of this the German government had Lenin ride in a single sealed train car that was deemed, for the duration of his trip, Russian territory.On the sixteenth day of April nineteen seventeen Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov returned to Russia come in Petrograd and receiving a welcome tot up for a hero. After arriving in Petrograd Lenin dead took back authority of the Bolsheviks and ordered the obliterate of the provisional government. Lenin was unable to take lock of the provisional and upon the reorganization of it, Alexander Kernsky took condition and decreed Lenins arrest on the posting that he was a German agent, and Lenin quickly fled to Finland. The rest of the Bolsheviks also quickly spread or were taken into custody.After funding in Finland for about three months, during this time writing The State and Revolution, which was consid ered to be one of the most important of his labors in which he described how to come about power by way of revolution, Lenin returned to Russia, October 1917, as he felt it was necessary to bring about the revolution. Upon Lenins arrival in Petrograd he powerfully recommended to the Bolshevik Central perpetration to take advantage of Kerenskys weak government. The Central Committee decided to take action while they had the chance.The Bolshevik president of the Petrograd Soviet, Leon Trotsky, managed to gain operate of some government troops and some Naval crews who back up the uprising, and then with keen amount of brutality the Bolsheviks usurpd Petrograd on October twenty fifth, nineteen seventeen. The Bolsheviks now only had one more thing to do before they were to hold all power of the government, capture Moscow. The capturing of Moscow proved to be more difficult and rougher, but at any rate Moscow was seized and the Bolsheviks had taken power.November 8, 1917 was the day that the Second All-Russian Congress opened with representatives from all across the country in attendance. At the meeting of the congress, which was controlled by the Bolsheviks, Lenin was appointed moderate of The Council of Peoples Commissars, and therefore he became head of the new Russian State. When Lenin ade his first mien before the congress he asked to be allowed to ask Germany for a three month truce, and for the eradication of private land ownership, both of these requests were authorized.Soon after Lenin took control he found himself in a battle to tour of duty in control, as the red Army had broken apart, German forces were pass on deeper and deeper into Russia, and also other opposing forces were collection large groups in parts of Russia. Lenin believed that if the Bolsheviks were to stay in power then the war with Germany would have to come to an end shortly and at any cost. It was the third day of March 1918 when the battles between Russia and Germany ended with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.This treaty made it prerequisite for Russia to give up a lot of land, which in effect hurt her, until the end of World War I when Germany lost and the treaty became void. In order to put his government further away from German power, in the territory that Russia gave up, Lenin moved the countrys capital to Moscow from Petrograd. In December of 1917 Lenin brought into human beings the Cheka, which was a political police force setup to se extreme force to control anyone with an opinion that differed from that of the Bolsheviks.Most of the people that the Cheka arrested were imprisoned, murdered, or sent to the Gulag, which was a placement of prison labor camps where most died. In 1918 Lenin suggested to the Bolshevik Central Committee that they heighten the name of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party to the Russian commie Party and this was done. In July 1918, for fear of the former Czar making an uprising, the Bolsheviks had the Czar and his consummate family, including servants, slayed.About a month after the Czar was killed, Lenin as at a factory giving a wrangle to the employees and he was shot twice by Dora Kaplan, who was a member of a collectivistic Revolutionary Party. After quickly recover from the bullets Lenin had Dora Kaplan executed and to set an example for others he had hundreds of others executed, claiming they were hostages. The revolution was like a rush along locomotive in the cites, but was poky to catch on in the more remote parts of the country and in these parts of the country resistance was comely a major problem and courteous war was breaking out.The two enemies in the war ere the Red Army, which Lenin had created in January 1918 and named after the color of the instauration Communist movement, and opposing them were the whites, who were for the most part democrats, Russian Nationalists and those who strange change in any form. The Whites had a major problem though, thi s problem was that they lacked any organization. The Bolsheviks easily won this civil war by 1920, although not untouched. By the end of this war the Russian economy was in shambles and millions of Russians had left to go afar, or died. But yet still the Communist government survived.Although Lenin had successfully taken control of Russia he had not yet all over his true goal that he had set out to achieve many years before, which was the goal of a Communist world revolution. In 1921, in a radical attempt to regain control of his country, Lenin instituted a program called the New Economic Policy. This form _or_ system of government replaced a lot of the measures that were put in place when the Bolsheviks took power, it allowed small businesses to continue to operate, peasants to stag food to private customers, free business deal was reinstated, and external business was invited to invest in Russia.By this time Lenins health had also started to suffer from the stress, among vario us other things. Although foreign nations were invited to invest in Russia few did and by this time, also, no major country still held diplomatic relations with Russia. In the month of May in 1922 Lenins health took a turn for the worse and he endured a stroke. Lenin then, opposing his doctors advice, kept on working. It was the December of 1922 that Lenin suffered his second stroke and that same month the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was set up by the Bolshevik government.On March 9, 1923 Lenin suffered from a third stoke and his ability to speak clearly was impaired. Less than a year later, on January 21, 1924, Lenin died of a superstar hemorrhage, thus ending his rein of power. Lenin employ the strength of the peasantry in revolution by appeasing some of their demands, much(prenominal) as implementing the New Economic Policy. The masses supported Lenins beliefs and showed their unrest in ways such as striking. Lenin also utilized his broncobuster politicians in his bi d to accomplish the first part of his goal, to bring collectivism to Russia, y finessing them into his turn of mind via his personal innervation and his writings.Lenins vision of communism included pitch theories into practice. He also brought widely alter classes of people to his conclusions. Thus by using any and every means possible, Lenin brought communism to Russia, although it took far longer that he expect and he died before reaching his eventual(prenominal) goal of World Communism. Whether or not communism is or was beneficial to a society, Lenin was a great leader in as much as he reshaped an entire country and its ideals.

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.