Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Deforestation Effects On Amazon Forest Resilience

Trees and any plantation for that matter are often taken for granted as they provide many of the essentials such as photosynthesis regulation, habitat, food, and even save ground to build construction. However, as more people demand more, more space will be needed and cutting away the trees for humans to use. Deforestation is the act of cutting and clearing a large area of trees. It is the cause of extreme damage to the ecosystem and sustainability of life. Deforestation is negatively affecting the interaction between the water cycle, soil sustainability, and trees stability. There is a chain reaction due to deforestation. Deforestation leads to decrease in biotic pump disrupting the water cycle leading to a decrease in transpiration and†¦show more content†¦2017). Deforestation also indirectly affects the water cycle by disturbing the atmospheric circulation patterns. As evapotranspiration occurs in the water cycle from the forests, the water rises up to the atmosphere and the wind moves the rain. So when trees are cleared, the cycle of losing natural resources continues as fewer trees lead to less water to evaporation in the water cycle which decreases the precipitation the Amazonian forest need. This finally leads to more death of trees and the ecosystem within the forest. Zemp et al.’s result on forest resilience in their simulation supports that the Amazon’s forest survival also decrease as there is an overlap in Zemp et al.’s statement when they state that in their simulations, forest resilience decreases overlap with d eforested areas. Despite the evidence showing the detrimental effects of deforestation, Zemp et al.’s research focus on the quantity of the forest and deforestation, therefore, the research has a gap such that other geographical influences such as fertilization, greenhouse gases, and water use are not accounted for. However, Zemp et al.’s had gained more understanding as they have used other research papers, like [Spracklen and Garcia-Carreras, 2015; Lejeune et al., 2015], to close the gap of unanswered gaps in the deforestation issue. Although the paper hasShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Deforestation On Amazon Forest Resilience Research1852 Words   |  8 PagesThere is a chain reaction due to deforestation. Deforestation leads to decrease in biotic pump disrupting the water cycle leading to a decrease in transpiration and increase in temperature. Such rise in temperature leads to lack of rainfall, increase droughts and forest fires to which the fires will disrupt the wa ter cycle even more. The effects of deforestation on Amazon forest resilience research by Zemp et al. (2017), build upon previous research done in the field of forestry studies and usedRead MoreCutting Down Mother Nature : Deforestation2387 Words   |  10 PagesCutting Down Mother Nature Deforestation has been an ancient process that has been ongoing since at least since the beginnings of human civilization. It was both a method that focused on survival, but now the act of cutting down a wide area of trees has accelerated to massive proportions for mostly economic profit. Deforestation has already impacted the Earth in such a way that its forests and resources are running out at a massive rate. What had used to be a mere tool for survival has now turnedRead MoreClimate Change in Peru Essay1516 Words   |  7 Pagesthe second largest portion of the Amazon Forest Basin (US AID, 2011). 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The World Bank is working together with the international community towards ending poverty in countries and boost incomes for people. It has been promoting agriculture and promoting resilience of communities against climate change (World Bank). The international community together with the bank have worked together to provide pregnant women and children with basic nutrition services. The International Development Association which isRead MoreApplication of Gis in Natural Resourse Management10836 Words   |  44 Pagesdegradation of their natural resources. Expansion in technology, population and economic activities have led to accelerated and unsustainable exploitation and depletion of natural resources (satapathy etal., 2008). 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Unit 3.3.1 †How Communication with Children and Young...

Unit 3.3.1 – How communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development 0 – 6 Months By 6 months, usually children will: * Turn towards a sound when they hear it. * Be startled by loud noises. * Watch your face when you talk to them. * Recognise your voice. * Smile and laugh when other people smile and laugh. * Make sounds to themselves, like cooing, gurgling and babbling. * Make noises, like coos or squeals, to get your attention. * Have different cries for different needs. For example one cry for hunger, another when they are tired. 6 months – 1 year By 1 year, usually children will: * Listen carefully, and turn to someone talking on the other†¦show more content†¦However, people that know them can mostly understand them. * Now play more with other children and share things. * Sometimes sound as if they are stammering or stuttering. They are usually trying to share their ideas before their language skills are ready. This is perfectly normal, just show you are listening and give them plenty of time. 3 – 4 Years Children at 3 to 4 years will usually be actively learning language and asking many questions. By 4 years usually children will: * Listen to longer stories and answer questions about a storybook they have just read. * Understand and often use colour, number and time related words, for example, red car, three fingers and yesterday / tomorrow. * Be able to answer questions about ‘why’ something has happened. * Use longer sentences and link sentences together. * Describe events that have already happened e.g. we went park. * Enjoy make-believe play. * Start to like simple jokes. * Ask many questions using words like ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why’. * Still make mistakes with tense such as say runned for ‘ran’ and swimmed for ‘swam’. * Have difficulties with a small number of sounds – for example r, w, l, f, th, sh, ch and dz. * Start to be able to plan games with others. 4 -5 Years At this stage, they need to listen, understand more and share their ideasShow MoreRelatedOb Practices at Chaudhary Group in Nepal13261 Words   |  54 PagesOrganization Culture: 25 2.2.4. 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I am thankful to Thada Pongsawang for his recommendations and suggestions in every stage of my work. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents for their support and care, without them I would not have been able to complete my research. Srichan Sriviroj MSc International Business ii ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate young consumer behaviour towards purchasing luxury brand products in three countries including the United KingdomRead MoreIct and Ebusiness Retail Industry88499 Words   |  354 Pages launched the Sectoral eBusiness Watch (SeBW) to study and assess the impact of ICT on enterprises, industries and the economy in general across different sectors of the economy in the enlarged European Union, EEA and Accession countries. SeBW continues the successful work of the e-Business W@tch which, since January 2002, has analysed e-business developments and impacts in manufacturing, construction, financial and service sectors. All results are available on the internet and can be accessed or

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lee Kum Kee Free Essays

string(218) " Gum Eke has also collaborated with the First Military Medical University, Hong Kong University of Science Technology, Distinguish University and other well-known colleges as well as some government departments\." Mr.. Lee Shih Nan carries on the work of improving production procedure, while Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Lee Kum Kee or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Lee Shih Tang was responsible for sales and marketing. However, because of the disagreement in business, Lee Shih Nan buying out of Lee Shih Tang with the help of Lee Wanda, the son of Lee Shih Nan. During this period, Lee Gum Eke expanded its operation and develop import and export business to meet the increasing demands of its overseas market. And then, in 1972, Mr.. Lee Wanda was appointed Chairmen of the company. New business policies and expansion strategies were introduced, setting the direction of the company for the future. Mr.. Lee set â€Å"promoting Chinese cuisine worldwide† as the corporate vision and infuses â€Å"Is Lie Xi Rene†, which means considering others’ interests, into the company. However, Lee Gum Eke faced a big problem in 1986 for the reason that Lee Wend’s brother Lee Went wanted to liquidate his own share. Lee Gum Eke faced a split once again. The conflict escalated as the time passed by, even resorting to law. Lee Gum Eke was ordered by court to suspend business for half a year. At the same time, The 4th generation of Lee family, Eddy, David, Charlie, Sammy and Elizabeth graduated from abroad and joined Lee Gum Eke in the ass. The scope and scale of Lee Gum Eke has been developed rapidly. In 1 992, Lee Gum Eke collaborated with the First Ministry Medical University and established the Infant Lee Gum Eke Health Products Co. ,Ltd. To promote traditional Chinese herbal health products. In the same time, apart from the mission of â€Å"promoting Chinese cuisine worldwide, Lee Gum Eke purr forward the mission that â€Å"modernizing traditional Chinese herbal health around the world†. Armed with a unique management culture, stringent quality control, superb and innovative products, coupled with the century-long brand reputation, Lee Gum Eke has achieved unanimous recognition and won numerous prestigious awards. . Family asset 2. 1 Value based leadership(culture value, family value), 2. 1. 1 core value From 1972-1992, after the third generation Lie Wanda took charge of the company, Lee Gum Eke substantiates its core value of â€Å"considering others’ interests† in every aspect of its business operations. It was built upon the principles of â€Å"pragmatism, integrity and constant entrepreneurship†. Besides its core value and principles, the company also put forward two missions -â€Å"promoting Chinese cuisine worldwide† and â€Å"modernizing traditional Chinese herbal health around the world†. This value reflects the corporate social accessibility . When pursuing the interests of their own, enterprises should also consider others interest, and then benefit the society. It conforms the long-term management goal of company. 2. 1. 2 Family First Lee Gum Eke always put family in the most important position, making business as a part of family. Lie Wanda thought that family harmony is the foundation of prosperity, which reflects the traditional Chinese culture harmonious family can lead to the success of everything. 2. 1. 3 Establish family committee Lee Gum Eke Group established committee on the family, including a total of 6 people. The core members are Lie Wanda, his wife and his five children. Lie Wanda and his five children are held key position in Lee Gum Eke. The family committee is the highest authority overseeing Lee Gum See’s operation. The core function of family committee is the study how to governance family, including to resolve family conflicts, construct family system, nurture the next generation and so on. The family committee do not need to discuss the enterprise management problem. A major decision should agreed by 75% Of total number and the general decision should be agreed by 50% As we can see from the graph, the score of value of Lee Gum Eke is higher than the score of most other companies in SEA and Mainland China. To explain this Phenomenon, I will list the following four reasons. . Irritate(means longevity), 2. 2. 1 History and Reputation Established in 1 888, Lee Gum Eke has become a household name as an ethnic Chinese enterprise as well as an international brand and a symbol of quality and trust. With a glorious history of 1 25 years, Lee Gum Eke has become a household name as an ethnic Chinese enterprise of quality and trust. Armed with a unique management culture, stringent quality control, upper and innovative products, and its century-long reputation, Lee Gum Eke has achieved recognition and won numerous prestigious awards. . 2. 2 Activity participate in promotional activities. In recent years, Lee Gum Eke family members frequently take part in the speech and interview activities to promote the company. Apart from that, many experts have published books intending to study on the cause of success in Lee Gum Eke family. Lee Huh Seen, one of the fourth generation member of Lee Gum Eke, published two books, which is ‘the power of considering other first† and † automatic wave model of leadership†. Automatic eave model of leadership is a kind of management mode of south Lee Gum Eke, the subsidiary company of Lee Gum Eke, aiming to continue operating cool, release unlimited potential, attract talent, consists of selection of talent, high letter atmosphere, highly efficient team. Publishing books has a very positive effect to promote the culture of company to public. As we can see from the graph, the score of heritage of Lee Gum Eke is higher explain this Phenomenon, I will list the following three reasons. 2. Connection 2. 3. Title in government department Lie Hussein: member of the CAP National Committee;Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese people’s Political Consultative Conference Committee of Loaning Province;Director of the overseas Chinese united friendship conference; Lie Hugging: Vice President Chinese Cuisine Association; Director of Chinese Institute of food science and technology; Director of Hong Kong Chinese manufacturers association. These titles are very special political resources for enterprise. 2. 3. 2 Close cooperation with well-known universities and government department. Besides owning a lot of titles for family members, Lee Gum Eke has also collaborated with the First Military Medical University, Hong Kong University of Science Technology, Distinguish University and other well-known colleges as well as some government departments. You read "Lee Kum Kee" in category "Papers" This is a very good resource for company’s development. 3. Roadblocks 3. 1 Family roadblocks:Possible family conflicts At present, the fourth generation successor has not yet been determined. The four sons of Lee Wanda were hold important positions in the group. Although Lee Gum Eke Group set up a family committee which is a good communication platform between family members, it cannot guarantee that after Lie Wend’s death, the fourth generation won’t appear the operation, because the separation appeared in the second and third generation. 3. Institutional roadblocks 3. 2. 1 Hinder by government policy Chinese government banned direct selling activities in any form in April, 1998, asking the company that has obtained authorized direct selling power like South Lee Gum Eke stop business. It has caused a great impact on profit in the market of mainland china. 3. 2. 2 More concern on food safety problem There are more and more different kinds of food safety problems appear in China in recent years. Therefore, people especially from mainland china could ay more attention in food safety problem. However, more and more companies in sauce industry received complaints from public, which disclose that there are some unqualified products circulate in market. Those companies include Haitian Group, Lee Gum Eke Group, Wang choosy Group and so on. Therefore, food companies like Lee Gum Eke should invest more money to ensure the quality of product, which will increase the cost of company. 3. Market roadblocks 3. 3. 1 Fierce competition and high operational cost Lee Gum Eke has been facing fierce competition from asses to the beginning of 21st century. With the advent of some famous sauce companies like Haitian Group, the market share of Lee Gum Eke in mainland china is losing constantly. Although the market share of Lee Gum Eke in Hong Kong and America performs good, it will still hinder the development of the enterprise for the low market share in mainland china. With the intense competition, the operational cost is increasing constantly, which is another problem Lee Gum Eke should avoid. 3. 3. 2 Disputation on workers There are some labors dispute the low-level salary. To lower the cost of company and make the product more competitive, Lee Gum Eke did not increase labors salary in these years, making employee have different opinions toward the company. Because Lee Gum see’s core market still has a lot of growth opportunities and the firm is pay more attention in innovation recently, continue to expand their market overseas. Therefore, the market roadblocks is not a big problem. 4. Reactions to roadblocks 4. 1 Reactions to Market roadblocks 4. 1. 1 launched a â€Å"happy index† For the dispute from some labors, Lee Gum Eke launched a â€Å"happy index† to measure the degree of satisfaction of workers. The survey showed that Lee Gum Eke won the honor of best employer in Asian area and Mainland China. . 1. 2 Constant entrepreneurship For the fierce competition and increasing operational cost, Lee Gum Eke put forward the target â€Å"constant entrepreneurship†, which means constantly innovation. Innovate in product packaging, in market, in management method and product producing procedure. It offers over 220 varieties of sauces and condiments in over 1 00 countries and regions across the five continents nowadays after setting the target â€Å"constant entrepreneurship†. Len addition to the Lee Gum Eke Sauce Group, Lee Gum Eke Health Product Group Infinitum (China) Company Limited develops the market of Chinese rebel health products. Not satisfied with the sauce field, Lee Gum Eke expand their business to the health product field, which is also a kind of innovation. Nearly 20 years since the establishment , the South Lee Gum Eke successfully produced nearly 50 kinds of product including infinitum health food. Since the twenty-first Century, Lee Gum Eke showed a strong momentum. 4. 2 Reactions to Family roadblocks 4. 21 Established family committee and constitution enterprise management problem. A major decision should agreed by 75% of Apart from establishing family committee, Lee Gum Eke also developed he family constitution. All family members must follow the family constitution, otherwise will not be able to get its due share. 4. 2. Caring for the Community Lee Kurd Eke deliver consciousness Of caring for the community, because to measure the success of a enterprise, the most important factor is how many contributions the enterprise make to the society. For example, the founder Wang Young-aching of company Formosa Plastic Group, contributes a lot to society, by establishing the charitable foundation Change Gung Memorial Hospital and the charit able trust Change Gung. All of his son and all the hillier were deeply moved by their father, leading them work together continue to be of value to their family company. After setting the target of caring for the community, Lee Gum Eke has obtained great achievement in following part. Caring for the Community: In 2008 and 2009, the senior management and employees of Lee Gum Eke participated in the â€Å"Charity Walk to Support Look Chi Association,† the â€Å"Lifeline Express Hong Kong Foundation – Charity Run/ Walk 2009† and various activities to raise money for victims of the Is Chuan earthquake. Caring for the Employees: Lee Gum Eke promotes a â€Å"3-balance† corporate hilltop’s – family, health and work; and provides free nutritious lunch and a shuttle for employees. Caring for the Environment: Lee Gum Eke implemented environmental management facilities within its plants – an integrated oil and grease removal process to the sewage treatment system; reduction of plastic usage in packaging; and deploying circulating hot water system to generate energy. 4. 3 Reactions to institutional roadblocks: In line with the spirit of â€Å"Is Lie Xi Rene which means considering others interest, Lee Gum Eke resolutely bought out of the First Military Medical Seniority and let the First Military Medical University continue to provide scientific research for the South Lee Gum Eke without participate in any management and investment. At the same time, the South Lee Gum Eke provided a sum of money to the First Military Medical University from sales in proportion. The problem has been well settled with guidance of â€Å"Is Lie Xi Rene†. For the complaints from public, Lee Gum Eke attaches great importance to quality of product. From 2004, Lee Gum Eke has taken a series of reform measures to improve product quality and improve customer satisfaction. Lee Gum Eke conduct questionnaire survey every half a year, set up R D center and invest huge funds to establish integrated supply chain. These strategies have ensured product quality and have improved the competitiveness Of enterprises. The results show that 2004-2007 years customer complaint rate remains below 0. 006%. 5. Recommendations for other family enterprise 5. 1 Consciously penetrate the enterprise culture to brand shaping 5. 2 Cultivate the spirit of forever the entrepreneurial and continuous improvement 5. Implement people-oriented management culture 5. 4 Starting from basic and Striving to consolidate the basis of a hundred ears enterprise Family sustainability score 6. Conclusion â€Å"Lee Gum Eke† is not just an isolated brand, but a true to life, ups and downs of the family business 100 years of struggle history. Let’s not easy for any business concern to survive and remain strong for over a century. It is even more inconceivable for Lee Gum Eke, which began as a humble family operation, to grow into the renowned family enterprise that it is over a period Of 125 years. By studying Lee Gum Eke, I have learned a lot for the enterprise’s core value â€Å"considering others interest first’ , the target â€Å"constant entrepreneurship† and customer focused approach in developing business. By introducing family business map, we naturally come to the conclusion that Lee Gum Eke will continue put the family ownership and family management strategy in the foreseeable future. 6. 1 family ownership Concentrated ownership enables the controlling owner to effectively control the firm and to be held responsible for his decisions (Lucian, 1965; Jensen and Neckline, 1976). However, diffused ownership has benefits too. Selling ownership shares to investors facilitates financing and firm growth (Demesne, 1967). As we can see from the chart. The company Lee Gum Eke has a very high score of family value. Therefore, concentrated ownership can enable family members make their decision effectively. 6. 2 family management In principle, firm decision rights should be given to the person who maximizes the productivity of firm assets (Grossman and Hart, 1986; Jensen and Neckline, 1992). Founding family members have specialized abilities to preserve and share these intangibles because of life-long interactions and family governance mechanisms that are not available to non-family members. We call these specialized intangibles family assets. From the chart we can see that the roadblock of Lee Gum Eke is lower than most of companies located in SEA and Mainland China. Therefore, choosing family management can maximize the profit of company because of the intangible family assets can show to others. How to cite Lee Kum Kee, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Franklin Roosevelt Essay Example For Students

Franklin Roosevelt Essay Franklin D. RooseveltFranklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30th, 1882, the son of James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. His parents and private tutors provided all of Franklinas formative education. Roosevelt attended Groton, a prestigious preparatory school in Massachusetts between the years 1896-1900; he received a BA degree in history from Harvard University in only three years (1900-1903). Franklin next studied law at New Yorkas Columbia University. When he passed the bar examination in 1907 he left the school without taking a degree. It wasnat until 1910 that he entered politics and was elected to the New York State Senate as a Democrat. aHe became the leader of a group of insurgent Democrats who prevented the Tammany candidate, William F. Sheehan, from being chosen for the U.S. Senate.a (Goldberg)Roosevelt allied himself with Woodrow Wilson in election of 1912. Because of his efforts Woodrow Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy, h e held that position from 1913 to 1920. In 1920 he ran as a vice presidential nominee with James M. Cox who lost overwhelmingly to Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. The summer after while vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Roosevelt contracted apoliomyelitis (infantile paralysis).a(Watts) He never regained the use of his legs. aHe established a foundation at Warm Springs, Georgia to help other polio victims, and inspired, as well as directed, the March of Dimes program that eventually funded an effective vaccine.a (Goldberg)In July 1932, Roosevelt was chosen by the Democratic Party as its presidential candidate to run against the Republican incumbent, Herbert C. Hoover. In November, Roosevelt was overwhelmingly elected President. He entered the White House at the worst of times, the economic structure of the country severely damaged. aFear and despair hung over the nation.a Rooseveltas inaugural speech had words of hope for the troubled countryaLet me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfaa aThis Nation asks for action, and action now. We must act and act quickly.a And act quickly he did in what b ecame known as the aHundred Days.a He and his administration rushed a series of anti-depression measures through congress; all of these changes to the American economy became called the aNew Deal.a Some of the major changes included Government agencies, most notably the Agricultural Administration and the Public Works Administration were setup to areorganize industry and agriculture under controls and to revive the economy by a vast expenditure of public funds.aIn 1936 Roosevelt was reelected in a landslide against his Republican opponent Alfred M. Landon, who won the electoral votes in only two states. In 1938 the international picture of the world was black, the Axis countries grew and all Roosevelt could do was speak out against aggression and greed. By 1940, after the fall of France and while Britain was being bombed by the Germans, Roosevelt increased the aid greatly to Britain. In the presidential election that year both Democratic and Republican parties supported giving Brita in aid but opposed the entry into the war. Rooseveltas acceptation into the 1940 election broke tradition, no other President had ever run for a third term and even Rooseveltas own Vice President criticized him. His third administration is basically the story of World War 2 and itas affect onthe United States of America. The first non-wartime draft came into effect by order of President Roosevelt in August 1941. On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The day after Franklin Roosevelt made one of the most memorable speeches of all time aYesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.aIn 1944, Roosevelt running for his fourth term had chose Harry S. Truman as his running mate and won over Thomas E. Dewey. Unfortunately he was unable to complete his term, on April 12th, 1945, a month before Germany surrendered to Allies; Franklin Delano Roosevelt died suddenly from a cerebral he morrhage. .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .postImageUrl , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:hover , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:visited , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:active { border:0!important; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:active , .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf00a252c96958cafa7eb3fb26fb3f27b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mental Health and Depression EssayFranklin Roosevelt was the greatest president to ever grace the White House because of his ability to take an idea and follow through with it. In entering the White House during the depression required a lot of courage, the country was in one of itas darkest eraas, the economy was nearly destroyed, he came with confidence that he could turn the country around. His inclusion of the aFireside Chatsa over the radio helped explain issues to the people. Even while the Supreme Court was declaring many of the New Deal measures invalid he kept his positive and aggressive personality. Before the war had started, Roosevelt had recognized diplomatically the USSR in 1933. The main focus of his foreign policy in the earlier years of his office was the cultivation of ahemisphere solidarity.a (Collier) His policy toward Latin America, named the aGood Neighbora policy, included the signing of trade agreements with many countries improving our relations with the countries to the south. These trade agreements also increased our economy, which at the time was still in a state of downfall. His involvement in World War II or lack thereof was widely criticized, many people thought he should of entered the war, and many thought he shouldnat have. I believe his decision not to enter the war until last possible second saved many Americanas lives. The starting up the Selective Service Act preemptively, even during a time of peace, was very intelligent because it guaranteed us to have a strong and well trained army incase there was a time that the American people didnat have a choice but to fight. I donat believe there could have been a better President for the time period. Work CitedLarsen, Rebecca. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin Watts. 1991Blatt, Miriam. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Garret Education. 1989Freedman, Russel. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Clarion. 1990Goldberg, R.T. The Making of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1982Collier, P. The Rooseveltas: An American Saga. 1994