Saturday, August 10, 2019

The tate gallery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The tate gallery - Essay Example This is where marketing comes in handy. Marketing is a very important function of any business. Marketing involves identifying the customer needs and then making products that will satisfy those needs (Kotler et al 2007). Marketing is very important and beneficial to all the parties since the consumer will be provided with the goods he or she needs while the producer or seller will sell most if not all of the products since the products are produced as per the demand (Scott, 2008). The Tate Gallery uses marketing in advertising its artwork. They send out staff that studies the market and then brings the results. An area of study could be: prevailing conditions in the market (Kotler et al 2006). The Gallery then advertises those artworks which are most likely to attract the attention of the public. The artworks could be those that represent the current situations faced by various countries or the world in general (New York Times, 2009). The public’s curiosity will be stirred and they will want to see more of what the art Gallery has. This will draw more customers to the Gallery (Chamot et al 1964). Marketing is characterised with the marketing mix which is also commonly referred to as the 4Ps (Kotler et al 2007). These Ps include price, place, product and promotion. Price is that amount that is charged on a product. Price is determined by factors such as buyers perception of the value of the product, costs of the raw materials, level of competition, market share etc. Product is defined as that object or service that is produced in large numbers. Examples of products are the art paintings, sculptures etc. Examples of services are the hotel service, tourism etc. Place is the site at which the product is bought; the place maybe a physical location or a virtual location. Promotion is the means through which the marketer communicates any kind of information that will help him or her in his or her job. There are four major aspects

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