Thursday, September 26, 2019

Karim Rashid Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Karim Rashid - Assignment Example The concept of not liking the black color and preferring the color pink implies that black denotes fear, hatred, scare and anything that is harmful for us. The color pink on the other hand, is more bright and vibrant and depicts freshness. Therefore, instead of using black Rashid prefers to use pink in his designs to make his customers feel vibrant, lovely and confident. The concept of installing cameras in restaurants is an excellent idea because if any kind of unethical activities take place in any restaurant then, the criminals can easily be caught with the help of such cameras. (Karim Rashid, 2010)    Karim Rashid is one of the famous designers in the world who aims at changing the world with his classy designs. He is an Egyptian born in the year 1960. Rashid is an artistic person and the sight of sunset fascinates him. Rashid has won many awards for his designs. His recent project will be showcased in the Milan Furniture Fair. Rashid’s father is the greatest mentor of his life. Rashid is also a music lover. Some of his favorites are Terry’s cafà ©, Baby Mammoth etc. Rashid also has a passion for reading books. In fact, three books are very close to his heart. One of the books speaks of how a person can motivate the world with his ideas and thoughts thereby bringing in a change in the world. The other book is on psychology by Donald Norman and the last one is an autobiography by Miles Davis. Rashid feels that pink color portrays an energetic feeling and therefore he avoids black. The restaurants that he has designed have been planned in such a way that the customer s can make themselves feel comfortable, entertained and relaxed. Rashid does not love nature. His greatest loss in his life is that of his wife’s death. Disloyalty is that one quality that Rashid hates most. Rashid has also written a book named â€Å"I want to change the world, it’s a big world†. He has introduced modern technology in his

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