Saturday, January 25, 2020

Anton Mosimann Essays -- Biographies Bio Biography

Contents Page Page 1: Contents Page Page 2: Anton’s Early Days Page 3: The Dorchester Page 4: Mosimann`s Page 5: Outside the Kitchen Page 6: The Future of Mosimann`s Anton Mosimann celebrates his 60th Birthday Page 7: My Findings Page 8: Picture of Mosimann`s Page 9: Research and References Let me begin my presentation with Anton Mosimann’s philosophy: "Nothing comes solely by chance". Chicken should taste like chicken and fish like fish. That's vital. So many people try to overpower good produce. Keep it simple. Our profession is one where you must give and be happy with it." Anton’s Early Days Anton Mosimann was born on February 23, 1947, the only child of Swiss restaurateurs in the Jura Mountains. He begins his book â€Å"The Essential Mosimann† with this lovely childhood memory, â€Å"I can still remember, as clearly as if it were only yesterday the sweet smell of dark, sugared fruit bubbling in the heavy copper preserving pan. My mother loved making jams and jellies and on these days the fragrance would fill the whole house, moving in a warm, fruity and sweet steam from the restaurants kitchen to our flat upstairs† Anton Mosimann spent his early years in Nidau, near Biel helping his parents run their own restaurant where he developed both a love for food and a desire to become a cook. The first taste he clearly remembers is that of Emmental cheese. "It was so tasty and so different from my previous food of vegetables and cereals." Anton learned from an early age that there is noting more satisfying for a chef than seeing a stack of empty plates after a good meal. When Anton was fifteen he received an unexpected call from the nearby Hotel Baeren i... ... emailed back a standard email which gave links to the website plus a copy of the July to October issue of Mosimann`s Newsletter, which I have included below. Books Mosimann, Anton, 1993, The Essential Mosimann, Ebury Press, London. Internet Global Chefs, 2007, Anton Mosimann, [online],, 21 October 2007. Mosimann`s, 2007, Mosimann`s Passion for Excellence, [online],, 21 October 2007. The Sunday Independent, 2007, Master Chef Turns 60, [online],, 21 October 2007. Swiss Info, 2007, Dial M for Good Taste in London, [online], depth/detail/, 21 October 2007. Waitrose, 2007, Products Available, [online],, 21 October 2007

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