Thursday, May 21, 2020

Synthetic Drugs And Its Effects - 1678 Words

Addiction, one of America’s number one problems, and when it seems that we’ve solved it, it always seems to rear its ugly head back in some other form. This could be due to the fact the internet is making a newer class of synthetic designer drugs much more available. (Mycyk, 2012) Synthetic drugs have been a consistent and ongoing problem for our nation over the past few years since their creation and introduction to the world. Every day, we see more and more people hospitalized due to use of synthetic drugs, and the addictive behaviors they creates with in people. Even with the bans that the Food and Drug Administration have passed on them, we see people continuing to gain access to these designer drugs. Over the course of this research paper we will discuss synthetic drugs and what they are, review a few cases of people using these drugs and their experiences, discuss the issues with addiction, as well as a proposed solution to help those addicted to these terrible de signer drugs as well as ways to help eradicate the remaining amounts on the streets. Spice, also known as synthetic marijuana, what is it? Spice is a designer drug, more commonly known as a synthetic drug, this one representing marijuana, which generally has the ability to avoid drug detection. (Linday, 2012) Spice is a mix of herbs and manmade chemicals with mind altering effects, it earns its right to be called synthetic marijuana because some of the chemicals in it are very similar in manner to those inShow MoreRelatedWhy Are Synthetic Drugs Legal?1446 Words   |  6 Pagesabout from people at his work. Fast forward six months later and he is hardly recognizable as the man he has always been. The effects of synthetic drugs are non-forgiving, robbing it’s users of any type of quality in life. What starts out as a cool high, turns to addiction, when it is time to quit the real problems start. Forty-six days clean, and yet the effects of synthetic marijuana are still felt. Here he stands thirty pounds less with no appetite ever, it seems. His mind has times of feelingRead MoreDrug Drugs And The New Zealand Party Scene1723 Words   |  7 PagesPHARM111G Drugs Society Assignment 2: Legal Highs Pre 2008 Legal Highs were the crux of the New Zealand party scene. Legal highs like Party Pills and Synthetic cannabis have since been reclassified as class C drugs and have been pulled off the shelves of all retailers in New Zealand. Since the psychoactive substances act 2013 there has always been the looming suspicion that the drugs will make their way back onto the shelves, by bending their way around the law or in the underground scene. 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A lot of people are unfamiliar with this type of drug, while some just can’t get enough of it. Just like other drugs, Spice can cause harm to one’s mind and body. This paper will explore the history behind spice, its effect on the military personnel, as well as the effect s on high schoolers. To begin, let’s explore theRead MoreDrug Classification System ( Atc )904 Words   |  4 PagesNovember 30, 2016 Drugs In pharmacology, a pharmaceutical drug, also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being. Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis. Pharmaceutical drugs may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders. Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into groups of related drugs that have similar

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