Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Physical Changes in Adolescence Essay

Children must pass through several st advances, or take peculiar(prenominal) steps, on their road to becoming adults. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services the term adolescence is commonly used to describe the transition stage amongst childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is also equated to both the terms teenage years and puberty. They also state that puberty refers to the hormonal changes that occur in early youth and the stoppage of adolescence can extend well beyond the teenage years. In fact, there is no single scientific definition of adolescence or set age boundary. During the adolescence stage, p arents allow for notice the greatest amount of changes that go out occur in their childs body. The juvenile himself/herself will also take note of these changes. Some of these teenagers may experience theses signs of maturity so geniusr or later than others.Adolescence is the time for growth spurts and puberty. The adolescents may grow several inches in height. This is true for both boys and girls at the age of 13 and goes as far as 18 yrs old. When it comes to the puberty change then these become more visible since there are several signs. The females have with these changes as early as 8 years old and in males at 9.5 yrs. Sexual and other physical maturation that occurs during puberty is a termination of hormonal changes. As a child nears puberty, the pituitary gland increases the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (follicle-stimulating hormone). This hormone then causes additional effects. In girls, FSH activates the ovaries to start producing estrogen. In boys, FSH causes sperm to develop. In boys it is more difficult to know exactly when puberty is coming.There are changes that occur, but they occur in stages and over a period of time, rather than as a single event. Some of these changes might be the enlargement of the testicles, appearance of pubic hair their utterance deepens and at the age of 14 just about of them may have even wet dreams. The girls also happen to experience some changes as well. The first one to be noticed is the developmental of their breast, menstruation period and changes in their body shape start to show. No two teenage bodies are the same so some mayexperience these physical changes before others.Physical development is a critical part of adolescence. How adolescents perceive their physical self, that is, what they think they look akin and how they feel about it, directly relates to their overall sense of self-worth. M whatever of these feelings are influenced by their culture, the media, their peers, and their families. They are also influenced by their own initial sense of self-pride as they enter this rapidly changing phase of physical development. We know that the changes are rapid and often drastic, resulting in rapid growth and physical maturity. nowadays that we have a sense of some of the important physical changes that occur during adoles cence, we can use this information to help us better understand teens. It will also help us recognize their sensitive thoughts and feelings. We can use this information to help us direct them toward positive behavior and outcomes.By the antecedent of late adolescence, many of these changes are nearing completion. This allows teens to gain more acceptance and ownership of their body image. By reminding ourselves of these changes, we can become more sensitive to teens growth experiences and distribute them with the respect, compassion, and consideration that will help them move smoothly through these physical transitions. Parents can help their children by providing support and by being understanding and tactful during discussions about these changes. Preparing ones children for the initial onset of puberty (menarche for girls and spermarche for boys) will let them know what to expect. It will also minimize any stress and daunt that they may feel without adequate preparation.The a pproach to this preparation should be gentle, but informative. It may be given in a manner that is very positive, explaining that these events are normal and everyone experiences them once in their life. Once the child understands that this is part of the path to adolescence and a rite of passage, they will view these changes with minimal stress and maximum acceptance.What does my adolescent understand?The teenage years bring many changes, not only physically, but also mentally and genially. During these years, adolescents increase their ability to think abstractly and ultimately make plans and set long-term goals. Eachchild may progress at a distinguishable rate and may have a different view of the world. In general, the following are some of the abilities that may be evident in your adolescent develops the ability to think abstractlyis concerned with philosophy, politics, and social issuesthinks long-termsets goalscompares ones self to ones peers.As your adolescent begins to st ruggle for independence and control, many changes may occur. The following are some of the issues that may be involved with your adolescent during these years wants independence from parentspeer influence and acceptance becomes very importantmale-female relationships become importantmay be in lovehas long-term commitment in relationshipHow to assist your adolescent in developing sociallyConsider the following as slipway to foster your adolescents social abilities Encourage your adolescent to take on new challenges.Talk with your adolescent about not losing sight of ones self in group relations. Encourage your adolescent to talk to a trusted adult about problems or concerns, even if it is not you he/she chooses to talk with. Discuss ways to manage and handle stress.Provide consistent, loving discipline with limits, restrictions, and rewards. Find ways to spend time together.Topic Home page Return to Full List of TopicsThe information on this Web page is provided for educational pu rposes. You understand and scoff that this information is not intended to be, and should not be used as, a substitute for medical treatment by a health care professional. You agree that Lucile Salter Packard Childrens Hospital is not devising a diagnosis of your condition or a recommendation about the course of treatment for your particular circumstances through the use ofthis Web page. You agree to be solely responsible for your use of this Web page and the information contained on this page. Lucile Salter Packard Childrens Hospital, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and information providers shall not be liable for any damages you may suffer or cause through your use of this page even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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