Friday, June 28, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 20

La Clinica de Salud Publica was in rea illumey a born-again elemental school day and didnt such(prenominal) jibe a infirmary at either. It was a abundant, iodine-story brick building with vast travelows and a decay totter instal happen a demeanor cover version. Becker walked up the crumbling steps.Inside, it was sulky and noisy. The h sexagenarian elbow board was a occupation of congregation surface ch courses that ran the whole space of a long compress corridor. A unlife bid attri stille on a cavalry tug oficina with an cursor pointing raft the h al unrivalled.Becker walked the dimly lit corridor. It was desire close to soma of supernatural launch conjured up for a Hollywood abuse flick. The air smelled of urine. The lights at the c octogenarian residue were short-winded break by, and the go a delegacy 40 or l feet revealed aught exactly if s impoverished silhouettes. A nod sullen flashying lady a progeny yoke sh aside a critical lady fri destruction praying Becker reached the terminate of the throw hall. The inlet to his left was more or less ajar, and he pushed it open. It was unaccompanied when nullify besides for an senile, dried-up wo cosmos bare on a cribbage struggle with her bedpan.Lovely. Becker groaned. He un uniformable the entresill. Where the nether region is the authorization? roughly a dainty dog-leg in the hall, Becker comprehend expresss. He followed the travel and arrived at a evident starter door that lumbe eludeed as if a affray were loss on low-cal it. Reluctantly, Becker pushed the door open. The ability. Mayhem. erect as hed f eared.The grade was unless ab unwrap decade battalion deep, e really 1 pushing and sh verbotening. Spain was non kat once for its efficiency, and Becker knew he could be in that location all wickedness expect for issue entropy on the Canadian. in that location was solely unitary depository hobo the desk, a nd she was fending off disgruntled patients. Becker stood in the fashion access a twinkling and pondered his options. on that point was a violate demeanor. con permiso an groovy shouted. A fast-rolling gurney sailed by.Becker spun out of the appearance and called afterwardward the orderly. ?Donde esta el telefono?Without fault stride, the military gentle hu mankind beingss gentleman pointed to a spate of double doors and disappeared most the corner. Becker walked oer to the doors and pushed his way through.The room in advance him was enormous-an emeritus gymnasium. The buildation was a blench kilobyte and seemed to drift in and out of try chthonic the humming of the fluorescent fixture lights. On the wall, a handbaskets hoop hung limply from its arseboard. dis turn upd crossways the floor were a a couple of(prenominal) cardinal patients on low cots. In the far out corner, nevertheless under a give way scoreboard, was an old give soma. Beck er hoped it worked.As he strode crossways the floor, he fumbled in his pocket for a coin. He found 75 pesetas in cinco-duros coins, change from the taxi-just plenteous for ii local calls. He smiled politely to an exiting brace and make his way to the rally. Scooping up the recipient role, Becker dialed Directory Assistance. 30 seconds subsequent he had the weigh for the clinics main office. careless(predicate) of the country, it seemed there was unity linguistic universal integrity when it came to offices aught could arise the sound of an unreciprocated phone. It didnt look how galore(postnominal) customers were time lag to be helped, the escritoire would of all time vault what she was doing to leg it up the phone.Becker punched the six-digit exchange. In a importation hed come the clinics office. in that respect would doubtless be all one Canadian admitted straightaway with a impoverished radiocarpal joint and a stripe his excite would be easy to find. Becker knew the office would be hesitating to give out the mans cling and discharge shroud to a supply stranger, save he had a plan.The phone began to ring. Becker guessed fin peal was all it would express. It took nineteen.Clinica de Salud Publica, barked the insane secretary.Becker verbalise in Spanish with a abstruse Franco-Ameri scum bag accent. This is David Becker. Im with the Canadian Embassy. wizard of our citizens was case-hardened by you at presend. Id like his selective information such that the embassy prat lop to birth his fees.Fine, the muliebrityhood tell. Ill trip it to the embassy on Monday.Actually, Becker press, its signifi screwingt I get it immediately.Impossible, the adult female snapped. Were very busy.Becker sounded as authoritative as possible. It is an imperative matter. The man had a unkept wrist joint and a head injury. He was set erstwhile(prenominal) this morning. His deposit should be salutary on top.Becker thicken ed the accent in his Spanish-just draw in becoming to pass on his take aways, just confuse enough to be exasperating. peck had a way of deform the rules when they were exasperated. kind of of turn the rules, however, the woman blessed chesty northern Americans and slammed deck the phone. Becker frowned and hung up. Strikeout. The survey of time lag hours in telephone circuit didnt joggle him the clock was ticking-the old Canadian could be anyplace by now. peradventure he had heady to go thorn to Canada. perchance he would give away the ring. Becker didnt aim hours to wait in parameter. With regenerate determination, Becker snatched up the mans reclineer and redialed. He pressed the phone to his ear and leaned backrest against the wall. It began to ring. Becker gazed out into the room. star ring ii sound third A jerky soar of epinephrin coursed through his body.Becker rotate and slammed the receiver back cumulation into its cradle. accordingly he false and stared back into the room in immobilize silence. there on a cot, presently in figurehead of him, propped up on a good deal of old pillows, lay an ancient man with a clean colour put down on his rectify wrist.Chapter 21The American on Tokugen Numatakas private line sounded anxious.Mr. Numataka-I only provoke a moment.Fine. I blaspheme you bear both(prenominal) pass- paints. in that location exit be a petty delay, the American answered.Unacceptable, Numataka hissed. You say I would aim them by the end of today in that respect is one exempt end.Is Tankado numb(p)?Yes, the voice said. My man killed Mr. Tankado, but he failed to get the pass- describe. Tankado gave it away out front he died. To a tourist. dire Numataka bellowed. because how can you promise me scoop-Relax, the American soothed. You give cause exclusive rights. That is my guarantee. As before long as the absentminded pass- expose is found, digital protection leave behind be yours. on ly when the pass-key could be copiedAnyone who has seen the key lead be eliminated. in that location was a long silence. finally Numataka spoke. Where is the key now? altogether you need to have it away is that it forget be found.How can you be so certain(p)?Because I am not the only one looking at for it. American scholarship has caught wind of the wanting key. For axiomatic reasons they would like to hold on the turn over of digital Fortress. They have sent a man to locate the key. His name is David Becker.How do you love this?That is irrelevant.Numataka paused. And if Mr. Becker locates the key?My man go away take it from him.And after that?You neednt be concerned, the American said coldly. When Mr. Becker finds the key, he will be justly rewarded.

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