Saturday, June 15, 2019

Vincent Van Gogh Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vincent Van Gogh - Research Paper ExampleThe paper Vincent Van Gogh explores the art and sprightliness of Vincent Van Gogh. Van was born in 1853 in Groot-Zundert in Southern Netherlands, which was a predominantly catholic he grew up with a striking affection of painting and beauty. He was the son of Theodorus Gogh, a minister at the Dutch reformed church. He took his grandfathers name Vincent, whose work as an artist had been largely sculptor. As a young boy, he was a serious, thoughtful and silent, this astonished many children who grew together. Notably, art and religion were two greatest occupations in his lineage and some scholars comport linked his artistic work in the family background and early exposure to the artistic world. He attended school at Zundert village from 1860s where a adept catholic teacher taught more than 200 pupils. This was quite normal during this time when education was at its early stage if development in the Netherlands. Together with his sister, he mo ved to a boarding school in 1861 at Zevenbergen that was about 20 miles away from his home. During his stay in school, he remained distress to be resettled away from the family members, and he began drawing and painting. In 1866, he joined a new middle school called Willem College in Tilburg. Perhaps this was the most influential routine point that influenced his career choice. During his studies, he encountered Constantine Huysmans, who was an artist, and he developed a conviction in the art. In addition, the teacher was instrumental in encapsulating.

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